27 of Amy’s Favorites on Sale

Amazon is running its Spring Sale from March 20 – 25, 2024.

I did some leg work for you and compiled all items from my favorites lists that are currently on sale (there were 27!).

Categories include:

  • Studio Organization – 4 sale items
  • Teaching Tools & Gadgets – 4 sale items
  • Personal “Life” Products – 7 sale items
  • Kitchen Gadgets – 12 sale items


Studio Organization

Plastic Organizer Bins

36% OFF

Acrylic Magazine Rack

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Registration Open! Organize Your Life With Notion

I’m excited to announce that registration is now open for Organize Your Life With Notion, a 2-day online workshop with Joy Morin and myself!

If you’re tired of having your life scattered across multiple websites and productivity apps and would love to see everything you manage on one beautiful dashboard, this workshop is for you!

My friend Joy Morin of ColorinMyPiano.com and I have both been using Notion (an awesome productivity and note-taking app) for several years now and aren’t exaggerating when we say it has changed our lives.

We’ve become pretty passionate about all the ways we’ve utilized Notion to make our lives easier as independent teachers and now are teaming up to offer this special live shop to pass along these methods.

In this 2-day live event, we will help you build a custom, personalized digital workspace in Notion and, in turn, revolutionize the way you work in 2024. (Replays will be available for 6-months.)

You’ll get access to a starter pack of Notion page templates built by us, including things like a prospective student inquiries tracker, student curriculum notes, a studio communication calendar, a tax preparation checklist, and more.

For more details and to register, visit this link.

If you would like to hear a little more from us on how Notion has impacted the way we work, join us for a Live Chat on Instagram on Monday, February 19 @ 1:15 pm Eastern.

Find us on Instagram @pianopantryamy and @joymorinpiano.

P.S. If you would like to hear a little more on how I use Notion, check out these podcast episodes:

The Piano Pantry Podcast Episode 105 – Evernote vs. Notion

The Piano Pantry Podcast Episode 109 – Joy & Amy: Ways We Used Notion This Week

Save the Date! Organize Your Life With Notion

Hey, teacher friends!

Today, I’m excited to announce, along with my friend and colleague, Joy Morin of the Color in My Piano Blog, a big event we’ll be hosting in March.

Many of you have come to know and trust me regarding all things workflow, digital organization, and productivity. You’ve seen me blog a lot in the past about using Evernote as an independent teacher and seen the growth of the digital coaching series and retreat.

Joy is known in our circle as an advocate for excellence in piano teaching from many angles and has supported teachers as a blogger, speaker, and more for around 15 years.

Knowing the sucker I was for good organizational apps, in September 2021, Joy introduced me to Notion, a newer app that launched in June 2018.

I’m not exaggerating when I say that it rocked my world!

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Shop Amy’s Favorites on Amazon Prime Deals Day

Amazon Prime Big Deal Days is here!

If you don’t know what that is, it’s a special sale event exclusive to Prime members that occurs in the fall, ahead of the holiday shopping season. For October 10 and 11 (2023) only, you can get special savings on thousands of items across all product categories.

As you likely already know, I love shopping and finding things through the recommendation of others, which is why I’m always sharing things with YOU. I thought it might be helpful to pull together a list of some of my favorite items I’ve shared over the years here on the blog and even on the podcast over the past 18 months.

It’s not totally exhaustive, but it’s a solid list of some really great products I think you’ll also love.  There are 21 items broken down into 4 categories:

  • Books
  • Kitchen / Household / Personal Goods
  • Office Supplies
  • Tech Gear

As an Amazon affiliate, I do receive a small percentage of sales through these links. The work of this AD-FREE blog and podcast is only supported through affiliate sales, purchases in the shop, and the new Patreon membership.

Thank you in advance for supporting the work I do here through one or all of these avenues!

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Join the New Piano Pantry Patreon Community!

It’s hard to believe the Piano Pantry blog has been active here on this crazy thing we call the web for almost eight years and the podcast for almost two.

If you’ve been hanging around here much at all, you likely know I love feeding people all kinds of good things (both literally and figuratively!), but, as you can imagine, it takes a lot of time and energy.

I decided it was time to take a leap and create a place for Piano Pantry fans to partner up and support the work that’s going on here.

Over on Patreon, you can choose between two levels of support:

For just $4 a month, you can become a Piano Pantry POWER Patron. Your silent partnership will help power the work that I do and will be your way of saying to me, “Thank you,” “Keep doing what you’re doing!” “I’m here for you!” even “Go buy a fancy coffee on me!”

If you want to throw a little support my way but would also love a little extra “Amy access,” you can become a Piano Pantry INSIDER for just $7 a month. My insiders will get support in one particular area in which I know most of you ALWAYS need a little extra help, and that’s with your email.

We will have a monthly Zoom power hour on the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 12:00-1:00 pm ET dedicated only to managing your email Inbox. Just a side note that October’s will be held the last Wednesday due to a pre-arranged vacation.

This means that you will get all my best email coaching tips as we work together to get a grip on a major pain point in our business each month.

Not only that, but we’ll have a special 30-60 minute BONUS session on Zoom once a quarter.

Each bonus session will be different – will be voted on by patrons, and could be anything from hearing one of my presentations normally only available to teacher groups to getting a behind-the-scenes look at how I organize my kitchen and pantry, and more. The sky’s the limit! All Insider meetings will also be recorded if you can’t join in at the set times.

Visit PianoPantry.com/patreon to join today.

Did You Love Piano Explorer Magazine? Check out Piano Inspires Kids!

In April 2021, I discovered and shared here on the blog that Piano Explorer Magazine had been discontinued. I know how sad many of you were to hear that news, so I’m excited to share with you today a similar type of magazine that is now available!

In July 2023, Piano Inspires Magazine announced a new publication called Piano Inspires Kids. (Just to be clear, this new publication has no affiliation with the former Piano Explorer Magazine, which was published by The Instrumentalist.)

Piano Inspires is one of many resources part of The Francis Clark Center and is the brainchild of Andrea McAlister and Sara Ernst (pictured above). The magazine is geared toward young pianists of all levels, ages 8-14.

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Celebrating 7 Years!

Happy Birthday to the Piano Pantry Blog!

This annual celebration is always easy to remember for me because I started this blog not long before heading to the 2016 Music Teacher’s National Conference in San Antonio, Texas.

The timing was important not only because I had been dreaming for several years about starting my own blog for piano teachers but because that was the conference where I first got to present at the national level. I wanted to be able to direct people to my own website!

As a thank you to all who follow Piano Pantry, you can get 20% off anything in the shop using the code 7YEARS at checkout, including Happy Birthday By Ear, Christmas By Ear, and more. The discount expires on March 24.

Announcing The Piano Pantry Retreat!

I’m excited to announce that registration is now open for the 2nd season of the Piano Pantry Retreat!

You might be surprised to hear this is the “2nd season” because I never announced the 1st season here on the blog! The reason is that the first year was a bit of an experiment. 🙂

Not only was hosting an in-home retreat something that’s not seen much (thanks to Joy Morin for being the first I know of!), but I was doing it alongside a personal productivity topic, not a piano pedagogy topic.

Would people be interested?

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Ten Posts and Podcasts You Loved in 2022

As 2022 comes to a close, I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all of you for being here. It’s a joy and a privilege to share with you all through this blog, podcast, and social media.

This time of year, it’s always fun to peek back at what the year brought us before being present for the holidays and looking forward to the year ahead.

While the Piano Pantry Blog was a little quieter this year due to the launch of the weekly podcast, I still managed to share with you through the written word in 22 posts (now 23) and 13 Friday Finds. Included in that mix, we hit #250 in the Friday series, where many of you chimed in with YOUR favorites. Launching at the start of January 2022, the podcast hit a nice round #50 (which makes this Enneagram 3 very happy! LOL).

This post will highlight the top five blog posts and top five podcast episodes from this past year.  Honestly, it’s hard to say how 100% accurate the stats are because posts that occurred earlier in the year have had more time to get more views, etc., and with podcasts, it can be hard to get clear and accurate stats between all the platforms.

Previous Top-Post Highlights: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016

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NEW! Online Digital Organization Coaching Series

Did you make a pact with yourself to get better organized this summer?

Since I know my teacher friends pretty well, I would bet that this isn’t the first time you’ve made this pact to yourself.

The hard part is… it’s SUMMERTIME! We want to do fun things with family and friends (as it should be)!

I get it. I know you have a strong need to get yourself in order before the school year returns full force, and I’m here to help!

No matter how great our intentions are, we really need someone to be right there with us to walk us step by step.

So, I’m offering a series of eight 75-minute power-hour sessions in July.

By committing yourself to dedicated time with other teachers and working through the digital landscape progressively, you will walk away feeling ready to tackle the new year.

Each session will have a focus area:

  • Session 1 – Devices (Smartphones & Tablets)
  • Session 2 – Computers (Desktop/Laptop)
  • Session 3 – Daily Capture and Save (Notes apps)
  • Session 4 – Blog Content
  • Session 5 – Documents (File Explorer / Cloud Drives)
  • Session 6 – Media (Photos & Videos)
  • Session 7 – Email
  • Session 8 – Social Media

I will be there to kick off each theme focus with a few tips and tricks. After that, it will be heads-down and off to work. We’ll finish with a quick check-in at the end and be on our way.

  • 10-15 minutes of Amy talking through some things for you to consider
  • 50-60 minutes with microphones off, task-focused (Amy available for questions).
  • 5-10 minute check-in at the end

We will meet for eight sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays 11:45 am – 1:00 pm EDT.

Sign up here.

If you can’t make this session but want to be notified the next time this series is offered, please join this first notification list