Hey, teacher friends!
Today, I’m excited to announce, along with my friend and colleague, Joy Morin of the Color in My Piano Blog, a big event we’ll be hosting in March.
Many of you have come to know and trust me regarding all things workflow, digital organization, and productivity. You’ve seen me blog a lot in the past about using Evernote as an independent teacher and seen the growth of the digital coaching series and retreat.
Joy is known in our circle as an advocate for excellence in piano teaching from many angles and has supported teachers as a blogger, speaker, and more for around 15 years.
Knowing the sucker I was for good organizational apps, in September 2021, Joy introduced me to Notion, a newer app that launched in June 2018.
I’m not exaggerating when I say that it rocked my world!
For at least a year or so leading up to that conversation, I had become increasingly aware that Evernote was not quite cutting it. You know how sometimes you subconsciously become aware of something without it yet feeling like a “thing.” That’s how I was feeling.
It wasn’t even to the point that I was looking for something else – I was starting to feel the inkling of “this is not working for me in the same way anymore.”
DISCLAIMER: I actually still use Evernote, but there has been a shift in how I utilize it in my daily workflow vs. Notion. If you’re interested in hearing more on that, stay tuned for episode 105 (January 30) of The Piano Pantry Podcast, where I’ll be sharing more on the difference between Evernote vs. Notion.
“Daily Capture and Save” was a session that I used to include in my digital organization coaching and was the place where I introduced tools like Evernote and Notion.
I have since cut that session out of my digital organization course series.
One, I wanted to hone in on what I considered more foundational and “dire” areas like email and document management.
Two, I couldn’t do it justice in a one-hour session.
That is why I am SUPER excited to team up with my friend, Joy, to bring you this big event where we will help you Organize Your Life With Notion.
Are you as excited as I am?!
More details to come, but for now, SAVE THE DATE:
Friday, March 8 @ 10:30 am – 1:30 pm ET
Saturday, March 9 @ 10:30 am – 1:30 pm ET
Bonus follow-up date:
Friday, March 22
One thing that has eluded me for decades is how to create a database of my music repertoire which I can reference when looking for a specific idea to reinforce a concept a student is learning. Notion seems to have the manipulation capabilities but I have yet to crack the Notion code.
Yes, Notion would be wonderful for this! We will have a session on creating databases that would be perfect for this scenario. Utilizing tags within the database would help you organize every item and make it searchable by concept. I hope you can join us!