Digital Organization Retreat

4 teacher sitting at a table on a back porch working together on their laptops.

A special getaway for independent piano teachers looking for a boost in spirit and workspace.

As independent teachers, two things are especially hard to find: time to connect in person with other teachers and having large periods of time to get our digital workspaces in order. This retreat covers both!

You’ll walk away with:

–> Your daily digital workspace in order and a fresh outlook on how to keep up.

–> Your spirit encouraged, renewed, and refreshed for your next season of teaching and life.


headshot of Amy Chaplin

Amy Chaplin | Piano Pianist, Teacher, Blogger, Podcaster, Digital Organization Coach

This retreat takes place in Amy Chaplin’s home in Bluffton, Indiana, during the Summer months.

photo of Amy's home wit ah beautiful blue sky and green grass

2025 Retreat Date

Wednesday, May 28 – Saturday, May 31 (Only one retreat will be offered in 2025.)

Fort Wayne International (FWA): 30-minute drive

Indianapolis International (IND): 2-hour drive

Dayton International (DAY): 2-hour drive

lunch spread of salad, chicken fingers, fruit, and cookies

Imagine opening your computer every day to a workspace free of clutter.

During the retreat, Amy takes a progressive and comprehensive approach to help you organize areas of your digital workspace that can easily and understandably fall out of control.

“They are basic things, but I didn’t know about so many of them! I learned a lot and will continue to learn as I review.”

~Kim Oien


Please know that while Amy comes at the training from the perspective of a PC / iPhone / Chrome / Gmail user, she does her best to address the same functions & processes from a Mac and Android perspective.

Attendees from the past have had a variety of devices, including Macbooks, Chromebooks, and Android phones.
An assistant may be available for extra Mac support but that is currently TBA for 2025.

a smiling teacher holding up her laptop with a desktop free of clutter

What We Cover

You struggle to set aside uninterrupted time to tackle out-of-control areas of your digital workspace.

You appreciate personal instruction and guidance over pursuing “how to” videos on all the little things.

You value forming connections with other teachers on a smaller-scale and at a more personal level.

You would enjoy a little camaraderie while tackling the boring, busy work you usually try to ignore!

Amy sitting at a kitchen table helping a teacher right on her computer

-Organizing physical games and resources
-Studio Facebook or Instagram business pages management or marketing
-Lesson-planning and in-lesson organization

Also, if you are bringing a new device with you, please get as much set up ahead of time as possible.

Follow-Up Q&A / Power-Hour

Get access to a free one-hour Zoom meeting approximately one month following as a time to check progress, ask follow-up questions, share successes, or use it as accountability to get more cleanup done.

Facebook Group

Minimum 6 months access to a private Facebook group where you can continue to ask questions, share successes, and partake in some of Amy’s random tips and tricks.

Future “Refresh” Discount

Many teachers find the nature of this coaching series and accountability to tackle the work together so beneficial that repeat sessions are not unusual! While there are no discounts for repeat retreat attendance, attendees can benefit from discounts on the online version.

  • Get a one-time rate of 50% off one individual consultation (booked within 1 month)
  • 30% off the online coaching series.
  • 75% off an AUDIT version of the online coaching series (you can attend but cannot access live support during the call)
7 teachers gathered on a back porch enjoying snacks
4 teachers smiling for the camera sitting around a kitchen table with their laptops

Due to this retreat’s intentional small group nature (4-6 people), you must first submit interest. After all applications have been surveyed, you will be contacted individually with information on registering as space is available.

QUESTIONS? Reach out to Amy from the contact page.

Amy Chaplin is a pianist, teacher, speaker, blogger, and podcaster. She loves supporting teachers on all things related to teaching, organization, productivity, and life on the Piano Pantry blog, podcast, and via her small group digital organization coaching series and retreat.

[Click to read more.]

Amy has enjoyed serving the profession in a variety of ways since 2009, including President (and now Trustee) of the Indiana Music Teachers Association. She has appeared on multiple podcasts for teachers including Music Studio Startup with Andrea Miller, Key Ideas with Leila Viss, Teach Music Online with Carly Walton, Piano Teacher Primer with Angela Toone, and the Duet Partner Podcast.

Amy holds a certification from the Gordon Institute for Music Learning in piano, a Master’s in Piano Pedagogy and Performance from Ball State University, and a Bachelor’s in Music Education, Choral K-12, from Huntington University. She graduated magna cum laude from BSU in 2011 and was given the MTNA StAR Award for student excellence.

Besides operating her independent piano studio in Northeast Indiana, Amy enjoys cooking, reading, and traveling with her husband.

Amy sitting on steps with a big smile on her face in a dark pink top

Attending this retreat was life changing. The digital clutter in my life was taking over & I knew it was causing stress – but I didn’t even know the half of it until I started digging through it all…. This was an invaluable retreat that changed how I look at my digital workspace, & how I will use it moving forward. It’s also important to note that the accommodations alone are worth the trip!!!! ~Michelle Miller

If you’re considering participating in Amy’s digital organization retreat, DO IT! It is well worth your time and money. Amy treats you like royalty….I returned home from this retreat with valuable tools that will help me keep my digital space organized and some cherished memories to boot! ~Trudi Norman

Amy’s retreat was a dream. I loved having the chance to do the organizational work with her guidance, and I left feeling like I had a clear path in front of me toward a more organized business and life. At least as valuable as all that, though, was the opportunity to experience Amy’s generous hospitality and to make new friends. In so many ways, it was a truly soul-filling experience. ~Krysta Hawkley

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Podcast Episodes with Past Attendees

Seven teachers gathered around a small table ready to record a podcast episode.

Episode 025 – Retreat Teacher Talk with Abigail Maser and Nicole Douglas

Episode 030 – Retreat Teacher Talk with Laura Harding, Emily Suszko, and Laurie Bender

Episode 072 – Retreat Teacher Talk with Lou Ann Knight, Jennifer Kurtz, and Gabrielle Tee

Episode 075 – Retreat Teacher Talk with Florence Phillips, Laurie Bender, Shelley Pritt, and Laurel Carroll

Episode 125 – RETREAT Teacher Talk with Michelle, Jeanine, Trudi, Mary, Becky, & Krysta

Reels from 2023 and 2024 Retreats

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