The day has arrived. Piano Pantry has officially posted 100 weeks of Friday Finds since first launching in March of 2016!
In celebration of this milestone, I posted a giveaway last week featuring an item that was a part of the Friday Find series. Thanks to all who entered to win Note Speed!
The winner (randomly selected by Rafflecopter’s generator) is Lynelle Vogel, who commented:
My older kids love to play NinGenius on iPads to work on note names.
Congratulations! I will be contacting to get your shipping details.
Friday Finds Breather
Before we proceed with this top 100 list, I just want to thank you for your excitement and energy over these weekly finds over the past 2+ years. You have been so enthusiastic and encouraging with so many stating it’s the one post/email they’re sure to catch every week.
That being said, I’m going to take a brief hiatus from this weekly post. I promise it will be brief and the series will return as I love writing it as much as you seem to love reading them.
There’s a lot going on in life right now – one of which many of you are aware. My husband and I are in the final stages of building a house (literally). We are (well, mostly he is) doing the majority of it on our own. We’re in the home stretch and I really need to let something go for the time being.
Promise me you’ll jump back in when I pick back up?
Awesome, thanks!
Friday Finds Top 100
I have gone back through every single F.F. post I’ve written to pull the best of the best for you here. With approximately eight finds per week, that’s 800 finds I’ve scoured.
How did I choose? First, anything that was specifically commented on by a reader was included. From there, I simply focused on posts that have affected me the most, have stuck in my memory, made an impact, or that I still use or find fascinating even today.
I’ve broken them down into 11 categories so if you prefer to check out a specific category of items you can jump around. Enjoy!
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