Most likely 75% of us are in the throes of year-end recital preparation in our studios. As you plan, here are some resources to help you along the way.
This week, I’ve grouped them into themes to make them a little easier to absorb. But first – a couple of other goodies! 🙂
A lovely simple roast recipe. We had it alongside Braised Green Cabbage (Nom Nom Paleo)
Put the roast in the crockpot at lunchtime and prep the cabbage dish. Put it in the fridge and pop it in the oven between lessons two hours before you finish for the day.
I have put off making this salad dressing forever but not again! Wow. Delicious, low in sugar, and easy to make. You’ll cover 1-2 weeks of side salads with this recipe.
Use a pint-size mason jar to mix in. I used a half-pint and it was a little tight!
My husband and I enjoyed these waffles even more than Belgian waffles! Delicious, easy, and healthy to boot! Who needs waffles for breakfast? Not us. We had them for lunch! 🙂
Seriously yummo. If you let it simmer for a few extra minutes, it really makes the “gravy” nice and thick. Serve it with roasted green beans and a simple side salad for a well-balanced meal. (Mashed potatoes would be nice with it as well!)
#2 Easter Tunes
Even though I shared this last week, since it’s Easter weekend, once again here’s a playlist for Easter filled with all of my favorite worship music celebrating the resurrection.
This post is part of a series called Your Questions Answered that highlights questions from readers just like you. If you have a question you would like to submit, you can do so here.
This question was posed in reaction to two posts on giving out studio awards at the end of the school year:
I love your awards ideas and would love to implement it in my studio but have a couple of questions.
If you have a transfer student, do you count the years they studied elsewhere in your calculations?
If you were to start implementing this after your studio has been running awhile, would you play catch up with all the students and their trophies or just start in the current year? I would have several on the legacy award at this point.
I am excited that the students will have something else to strive for even if they don’t compete in the Federation or state exams.
Thank you for your input and thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas with all of us.
Hi, S,
Wow, these are GREAT questions! Here’s how I would handle each scenario:
In answer to your first question:
Transfer students receive their “Music Study” award based on how long they’ve been taking lessons – it’s about commitment – not just the time with you.
That being said, the “Legacy Award” IS about time with you. So, if you were to use that particular award in your studio and you had a transfer student that has been taking for 8 years (or however long you set your legacy award for), they would not get the legacy award – just the Music Study award for 8 years.
In answer to your second question, I have a two-part answer depending on what your question is asking…
If you’re asking if I would play catch-up as in giving them “back” awards, then no, I would not. That could, however, depend on how many students you have. If you have a really small studio and it won’t cost you a lot of money to do so, then certainly you could consider it. I think if you simply announce it’s a new program and from here on out, I would be surprised if anyone complained that you didn’t give them 3 trophies as “back pay”.
If you’re asking if I would play catch-up as in starting students at whatever year they’re at even if they haven’t received awards in the previous year awards then yes, I would. If a student has been with you for 4 years then they get an award for 4 years, even if this is the first year you’ve given awards.
I hope that makes sense and good luck with creating your own studio award program!
A free digital download of a really fun and unique song written by Canadian composer Lynette Sawatsky called “Covid Blessing”.
From the composer:
I wrote the piece based on a C°VID motif (the letter C, a diminished chord (°), the dominant chord (V), the tonic chord (I), and the letter D). A little nerdy, but musicians understand. 🙂
I think we are all getting a little weary, and this music helped me process a bit of what I am experiencing. This short piece is my musical blessing for those who are alone and isolated. It’s a prayer as we wait for better days ahead.
If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen me post a story that said her voice reminded me of the old radio show host, Deliah, from the ’90s! She’s so soothing to listen to! LOL
While you can get 15% off your entire purchase in the Piano Pantry shop through the end of March (use the code: BIRTHDAY15 at checkout), I also wanted to use this week’s Friday Finds for a special giveaway. Why this week?
Well, the very first post went live on March 20, 2021 – that’s almost 5 years exactly to the day tomorrow.
This felt letter board would be a fun way to wish Happy Birthday to your students!
Currently, I started using mine to display a “word of the week”. (Follow me on Instagram here.)
(It wasn’t my original idea – but thank you to the teacher I saw doing it on Instagram. Unfortunately, I can’t remember who!)
Would you love for all of your students to be able to play “Happy Birthday” anywhere and at any time? Me too! The newest item in the Piano Pantry shop is the “Happy Birthday By Ear” teaching resource. It’s also on sale as part of the month-long birthday celebration.
Perhaps one of the most popular people who has done something with the tune “Happy Birthday” in recent years is the late Forrest Kinney. If you’ve never heard of his 88 birthday variations series, check out more here:
This post is part of a series called Your Questions Answered that highlights questions from readers just like you. If you have a question you would like to submit, you can do so here.
Do you have a certain age range that you have created your Piano Pantry lab items for? Do you think 2nd graders would do fine watching the videos (like the 1st Halloween one that is 10 minutes)?
I only had one student today so I got to hear her feedback on the two videos of the organ and the wine glasses from page 1 of your Halloween videos. It was fun to see how excited she was about it!
Keep creating wonderful materials to help us teach our students. Love all that you do!
Hi, L!
I’m so glad to hear your student was enjoying the Halloween lab!
As far as the age range, lab time can definitely be trickier with students younger than 3rd grade. As I’m sure you have experienced, they have a hard time working on their own without you helping with every step. So, yes, most of the labs I have available work better for mid-elementary students or older.
That being said, sometimes it can depend on the student. I’ve had 1st or 2nd graders do better than 3rd graders on their own!
My lab time for younger students is always shorter than most – 15 minutes is usually enough for them.
I still use many of my lab resources – like the Halloween video series you mentioned – but pick and choose which ones to assign. Shorter ones under 5 minutes or ones that are visually appealing, like the animated version of Danse Macabre by Saint-Saëns work nicely.
In instances like this, rather than simply having them watch, I always give them a blank notebook listening and ask them to color what they hear.
Several of the videos from Set 1 of the Music Theory video series are also suitable for younger students’ lab time.
Another thing I sometimes do with young students is listen to enriching music while coloring in their own art books. Check out more details in these posts:
Recently, I went through a big overhaul of the annual One-Minute Club Note-Naming Challenge we do in my studio including an update to the levels as well as putting together a new display/tracking board. I updated the original post to show you some of these most recent updates (including photos!). It also contains all the details you need to get it started in your own studio.
Part of my big update was moving to a leveling system based more on a landmark approach to teaching note names rather than the skips-alphabet approach.
While I find the skips alphabet approach to be a really useful way to help students understand how the grand staff comes together, I personally found my students spending too much time counting up the staff to find the notes and struggling to name them quickly.
The landmark approach highlights 12 “guide notes” if you will that outline the mirror-like relationship of the grand staff. I especially love how it makes sense with the location of the Bass Clef (or “F” Clef) and the Treble Clef (or “G” Clef).
Rather than students learning individual pitches, they recognize the pattern of the entire grand staff in relation to the piano and from there simply go up or down a step or skip to find the notes surrounding the landmarks.
In the process of all my updates, I created a beautiful visual aid with three different pages to help students see all of the landmarks in a variety of patterns together. Print it off and laminate one copy to use in all your lessons or print off copies for each of your students.
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Spring is only a week away – can you smell it in the air? It was only a few weeks ago I was confessing to you that I was enjoying Winter, but now that Spring is peeking through, it’s feeling really good, don’t you think?
I love its various textures and beautiful melody. Like many of the pieces by Naoko, I would counter that this piece is slightly more challenging than early intermediate.
A few favorite spring recipes using things like asparagus, peas, and radishes. I’m a pretty lucky girl in that I have a neighbor only a mile and a half away that sells fresh asparagus!
If you know me at all, you’re not going to be surprised to see this one! 🙂
Last week I started building a “Spring” playlist on Spotify. My husband gets a complete kick out of the fact that I build playlists like this – he’s more of a random Spotify Radio listener.
Although custom playlists are not my husband’s thing, I’m certainly not the only person who loves creating playlists. Phew!
Yes, creating seasonal playlists was one of her pieces of advice, but I have to say I couldn’t believe how many points she made that was exactly what I was talking about in the recent post: Experiencing the Seasons in our Studios and Life. (I promise I did not listen to that podcast before I wrote the post – Ha!)
P.S. Last weekend I finally took down my Christmas tree in my studio! Anyone else? LOL
Don’t forget! In celebration of Piano Pantry’s 5-year birthday, you can get 15% off your entire order in the Piano Pantry shop which includes the entire Music Lab series and the new Happy Birthday-By Ear resource through March 31, 2021.
This month marks a big milestone here at Piano Pantry as I’m celebrating 5 years of blogging!
This platform has been such a wonderful creative outlet and way to “dump” my brain of all the ideas that swirl around. Thanks for being here and for sticking with me!
Today I thought I would share a little about how I got started and highlight some of the milestones along the way (including the release of a new Happy Birthday by-ear teaching resource!).
We’ll also be celebrating with a discount in the Piano Pantry Shop and a giveaway later in the month in Friday Finds #211.
With several online events happening over the course of the next month, I thought this might be a good time to highlight those along with a few useful resources on participating in professional development.
Nicola’s Turboboostevent will be from March 29th – April 2.
This 5-day event is designed to help give a refresh before gearing into the final weeks of the school term. While it’s 5 days, it will only be 3 hours a day (10 am-1 pm EST), and the guest speaker sessions are 15-minutes so they will be easy to absorb.
My session will be on the final day. It’s called:
Reset and Refresh: Tiding Tips for Studio Teachers
Enjoy a workspace that is always fresh and orderly by implementing a simple, consistent, and sustainable tidying routine. Four specific time points, a small checklist, and an incremental (but minimal) time commitment will be your steps for a well-kept studio.