Random Observations from Our European Travels

My husband and I recently took our first-ever European trip (and first-ever month-long vacation!).  After week one, we realized we should start documenting our observations – little things we especially felt were fun, interesting, and good to know and remember for the future.

Throughout the trip, we continued to add to the list. I thought it would be fun to share it here as both a way of passing on our knowledge and experiences and also simply for the sake of documenting it for ourselves for the future.

To make it easier to digest, I organized our random list into the following categories: food and water, language, bathrooms, money, gear, mannerisms and miscellaneous, and transportation.

A few disclaimers:

  1. This has nothing to do with piano teaching (hope that’s OK 🙂 )
  2. It is in no way exhaustive.
  3. As the title states, this list is completely random and consists only of our thoughts and opinions.
  4. While we know it’s important not to overgeneralize, sometimes there are just things that “stuck out.” We realize it doesn’t mean an entire population/culture is that way, it’s just little things that we noticed or found interesting from the moment in time /location we experienced.
  5. Our opinions were formed by the places visited including Germany, Netherlands, London, and France.

If you have had the same experiences and observations or found this post useful for your travels, I would love to hear about it in the comments!


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Friday Finds #251

Welcome back! After a bit of a break from Friday Finds following #250 (which you should check out because it includes fun finds from other teachers), I’m excited to get this series going again!

While I strive for it to be a weekly series, I’ve learned that it’s better for life not to put those restrictions on myself, so if you want to make sure you get the latest delivered to your inbox, signup for my email list here. (Be sure and check the box that says “please send new posts to my inbox.”)




Irina Gorin’s Tales of a Musical Journey method has received an update! I’m excited to see the changes. You can order from her website here.



Over 25 Music Podcasts Music Educators Can Follow (Jennifer Foxx | Music Educator Resources)

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Friday Finds #250: YOUR Favorites!

Here we are! 250 Friday Finds posts since March 2016. I’ve been soooo excited to post this one for a while now.

The twist is that this list is a culmination of items you sent to me that you either discovered and loved from this weekly series or were items you would include if you were to publish your own list! I hope you enjoy this special celebration week.

I also wanted to give you a heads up that this will be the last Friday Finds for a couple of months as I will be out of the country with my husband for a month-long trip to Europe to celebrate our 20th Anniversary. I’ll be back with the series in early November and look forward to the next 250!



Submitted By Rebekkah Maxner

The Friday Find I wanted to mention that touched my heart was about a mom who had cancer, but she and her husband chose not to tell their kids about her prognosis. They maintained a home atmosphere that spared their kids from worrying or making choices based on their mom’s illness.

I felt that was so selfless and likely contributed to her prolonged quality of life. What a gift to have given her kids — years of living in sunshine instead of under a cloud. She gave them a childhood defined by innocence.

My Wife Was Dying, and We Didn’t Tell Our ChildrenThe choice was unusual but loving: We wanted them to live without the shadow of their mother’s mortality hanging over them.” (from The Atlantic)

(From Friday Finds #121)

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Friday Finds #249

Don’t forget – I need your help! Next week will be #250 of this series. My goal is for it to be a culmination of the best items YOU’VE discovered from this series.

You can drop me an email or comment directly on this blog post. (It would also help me greatly if you could include any links.)

Thank you so much for taking a moment to share back with me and other teachers who enjoy this series!



I’m a sucker for trying out different visual scale fingering charts. Here’s one I came across recently from Nancy DeHaven. It gets high kudos from me for its visually clean and simple design.



Some of my favorite fall-time recipes:

Fall Harvest 3 Sisters Soup

Healthy Pumpkin Bread

Spiced Pumpkin Raisin Cookies



Natalie has a new advanced piano solo arrangement out of “Jesus Paid it All with Wondrous Love.” At $3, it’s a bargain I didn’t pass up!



Some recent fun TV watches:

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist (NBC) – A fun, lighthearted show/tv musical.

Echoes (Netflix) – A riveting mini-series “thriller” about twins who switch lives.



In celebration of my birthday and podcast episode #034 How to Play Happy Birthday By Ear, get 10% off my Happy Birthday resource through the end of September. Use code 34TAKE10.



A tomato truck spill makes a major California highway a marinara mess.  (NPR)



The Ultimate List of Halloween Sheet Music for Piano Students (Creative Piano Teacher)

Favorite Sheet Music Piano Solos for Halloween (Piano Pantry)

A Halloween-Themed Listening Activity (Piano Pantry)

Halloween Favorites: Games, Resource, Graphics, and More (Piano Pantry)



A grant I wish I had known about when I was a teacher starting out: Studio Teacher Fellowship (MTNA) (due Nov. 1)



What’s the Difference Between Corn Oil, Canola Oil, and Vegetable Oil? (The Kitchn)



An Autumn playlist from me to you on Spotify:


How to Create Student Birthday Postcards in Canva [Video]

Sending students birthday postcards is something I’ve been doing for years and have posted about several times in the past:

After ten years of mailing postcards, I’ll admit I needed a break last year. (While it’s wonderful to do little “extras” for our students, it’s OK to need a break.) A year off was just the breather I needed, and I’m excited to do it again this year.

Part of my excitement is that one of my favorite digital tools, Canva, now offers printing services. I wanted to try designing my birthday postcards this year using the new studio logo I had redesigned last year.

In this video post, I will show you how to design and order postcards in Canva. At $18 for 25 cards, I thought their prices were very reasonable!


Friday Finds #248

Can you believe we are 248 posts into this series?! Writing a weekly “goodies” series was one of the first things I wanted to do when I started this blog in 2016.

As we approach the next big milestone, I need your help! I would love for #250 to come from YOU. Specifically, would you share the BEST items you discovered from a Friday Finds post? 

It could be a recipe I linked to that is now a staple for your family, a new resource, a fun video, one of my Spotify playlists…ANYTHING.

You can drop me an email or comment directly on this blog post. It would also help me a lot if you could include any links.

I’ll gather your favorites over the course of the next two posts before the big #250 hits. Thank you so much, teacher friends, for your continued enthusiasm for this series!



A few online teacher friends got some updates to their websites. Check them out!



Apparently, the secret “11 herbs and spices” of KFC has been revealed???

My husband is dying to try it. Fried chicken this week, anyone?



In our technology-driven world, one of the best things we can do for ourselves is to be intentional about learning how to use the programs we use daily well. Shortcuts can be a powerful tool for smooth workflow and productivity.

Here are a few useful tips if you use Chrome as your browser:

Tips & Shortcuts for Better Browsing (Chrome)



It’s the time of year some of you are updating your policies. Jennifer Foxx has you covered with her “Studio Policy Script Starters” resource.



A few podcast episodes I’ve particularly enjoyed recently:



Speaking of podcasts, I’ve been looking for a new news podcast for a change of pace. My brother recently recommended The Last Debate Podcast. I’ve really been enjoying it! It drops twice a week and is a well-balanced look at what’s going on in the news from both sides in a 100% non-confrontational way.



Any Friends fans? An actual Central Perk Coffeehouse is coming soon! (The Kitchn)



16 Ideas for First-Time Music Festival Adjudicators (Chris Foley)



Six Things I’ve Learned from the Amish About Living Living Intentionally (Becoming Minimalist)

My mom grew up in Northeast Ohio around large Amish communities, and our area also has many Amish communities. There is something very peaceful and nostalgic to me about learning from their practices.



As I started building and mapping out our upcoming European trip, I came across this video of some great Google Map Features from my favorite YouTube tech guy.



Friday Finds #247



Scheduling Piano Lessons – 3 NEW kick-off openers to start the lesson year (Rebekah Maxner)



MLT-focused teacher Anne Katherine Davis shares short videos on her annual “Christmas in Summer” studio project.



Are you a “Midlife Creative”



TopMusic Acquires PracticeHabits.co



This summer, I discovered Trader Joe’s Brioche Buns. If we’re eating any burgers or brat’s in the summer, these have been my new go-to buns.



GOTO on the Opposite of Depression (Kelly Corrigan Wonders)



10 Groceries I Buy to Feel Like I’m Back in France (The Kitchn)



Tips for Teaching Scales (Chrissy Ricker)



There May Be an Olive Oil Shortage Hitting the U.S. Soon — Here’s Why (The Kitchn)



10 Films About Piano Players You Might Want to See (Portland Piano Lab)



Folk music is one of my favorites. Here is a new album I’ve been enjoying on Spotify lately.



Summer sweet corn, tomatoes, and zucchini; here are three of my favorite recipes:

Sweet Corn Pancakes (Smitten Kitchen)

Cod Sauteed in Olive Oil with Fresh Tomatoes (Simply Recipes)

Ground Turkey Skillet with Zucchini, Corn, Black Beans and Tomato (Skinny Taste)



Friday Finds #246



Piano student motivation: How ‘Vacation Lessons’ work for summer and for kids who struggle (Rebekah Maxner)



The famous note-naming game NoteSpeed, is now being distributed through Piano Pronto!



Apparently, I have a thing about sharing favorite shoes. Last week it was the Sanuk Yoga Joy flip-flop. This week it’s the Chaco Zcloud Sandal. Good shoes are tricky, so I don’t regret talking shoes!



Piano Camp for Piano Teachers: Sorting Out the Piano Classics Live Virtual Conference



Congratulations to Midnight Music on the new website!



It’s always sad to hear of the passing of influential pedagogies of our time. In recent years ones that quickly come to mind include Dr. Edwin E. Gordon and Forrest Kinney.

This past week, the profession lost Elvina Truman Pearce.

She was particularly known for her book The Success Factor in Piano Teaching, which is an especially good book for teachers just getting started.



Two recent podcast episode favorites:

How to Think about Feedback (Kelly Corrigan Wonders)

Episode 82: Cheers to the Creative Life (Beyond Measure Podcast)



Two Kinds of Cooks (Seth Godin)



Incredible art…Nature and Architecture Merge in Mexico.



The Single Most Important Thing You Can Do to Simplify Your Summer (Becoming Minimalist)



What’s Your Teaching Specialty? (Samantha Coates)


NEW! Online Digital Organization Coaching Series

Did you make a pact with yourself to get better organized this summer?

Since I know my teacher friends pretty well, I would bet that this isn’t the first time you’ve made this pact to yourself.

The hard part is… it’s SUMMERTIME! We want to do fun things with family and friends (as it should be)!

I get it. I know you have a strong need to get yourself in order before the school year returns full force, and I’m here to help!

No matter how great our intentions are, we really need someone to be right there with us to walk us step by step.

So, I’m offering a series of eight 75-minute power-hour sessions in July.

By committing yourself to dedicated time with other teachers and working through the digital landscape progressively, you will walk away feeling ready to tackle the new year.

Each session will have a focus area:

  • Session 1 – Devices (Smartphones & Tablets)
  • Session 2 – Computers (Desktop/Laptop)
  • Session 3 – Daily Capture and Save (Notes apps)
  • Session 4 – Blog Content
  • Session 5 – Documents (File Explorer / Cloud Drives)
  • Session 6 – Media (Photos & Videos)
  • Session 7 – Email
  • Session 8 – Social Media

I will be there to kick off each theme focus with a few tips and tricks. After that, it will be heads-down and off to work. We’ll finish with a quick check-in at the end and be on our way.

  • 10-15 minutes of Amy talking through some things for you to consider
  • 50-60 minutes with microphones off, task-focused (Amy available for questions).
  • 5-10 minute check-in at the end

We will meet for eight sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays 11:45 am – 1:00 pm EDT.

Sign up here.

If you can’t make this session but want to be notified the next time this series is offered, please join this first notification list

Favorite Quotes Desktop Backgrounds (Free Download)

Thanks to summer, I finally had a chance to sit down and put together a little creative project I’ve had on my mind for a while!

I’m always looking for fresh, uncluttered, and visually appealing images to use on my computer desktop background or wallpaper.

Years ago, one of the food websites I was following offered a new set each year. Unfortunately, she no longer does this and ever since I’ve never really put any effort into finding something new – I just rotate through her old ones along with a few others.

If you’re interested, she has a live set you can still get your hands on. Visit the blog post: Free Backgrounds for Food Enthusiasts from Chocolate and Zucchini.

Back in those days I would have had no idea how to create my own but it occurred to me last year I could easily do so with Canva (which I swear I use almost every day! LOL).

So, I’ve created a set of 12 images featuring 12 of my favorite quotes (one for each month of the year – which is about how often I try to rotate). I tried using a combination of both educational quotes, life quotes, and productivity quotes. I hope you find the choices well-balanced and inspiring.

My goal was to keep it simple and visually appealing. I think the Piano Pantry dark blue color looks amazing as a desktop background and makes for a really sleek and clean feel.

Here is a slideshow preview. Click on the arrows on the bottom left or hoover along the right or left sides to go forward or back.

When coaching teachers on digital organization, it’s always my recommendation to keep your desktop free of shortcuts and to use your taskbar to pin quick links to your most used programs. This allows your screen to be clutter-free and more aesthetically pleasing.

For any links you do keep on the desktop background, try and relegate them to the side as much as possible. As you scroll through the images you will notice I tried to keep the quotes especially free of the left margin which is my preferred location for anything on the desktop.


Sign up here to get the download delivered to your inbox. It will send you a link and when you click on the link, you will receive access to a ZIP file. From there you will want to download the file to your computer and extract the file. Be sure to save it in a location you will remember to access.

*By submitting this form, you acknowledge that you’re signing up for my email list and agree to receive regular communication (generally once a week).

One Last Tip

While I think it’s fun to change my desktop background each month, I would never remember if it didn’t place a recurring reminder/task in my calendar. For more tips like this, listen in on episode #006 of The Piano Pantry Podcast –  Tasks: They’re Not All Created Equal


If you would like to see more of these in the future, let me know in the comments!