Friday Finds #65: Passwords and Pianos for People



The 1 Percent Rule: Why a Few People Get Most of the Rewards | James Clear



Students, did you know you can get 50% off a full year of Evernote Premium? I’m telling you, my life would have been changed if I had a program like Evernote through grad school for all the research and papers. Believe me, the Premium version is the best for students because you can search the text of pdf files, your own handwritten notes, Microsoft documents, and you can annotate on PDFs. It’s gold.



If you want to hear a fabulous jazz/pop one-man band listen to Jacob Collier. His harmonic progressions and voicing are extremely innovative.  Gershwin Fascinating Rhythm (his piano playing occurs at 3:00 minutes).

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Catch Me If You Can: 2017-2018 Presenting Schedule

This year is going to be chock-full of opportunities for me to share with teachers at both the local, state, and national levels.

Let me know if you’ll be attending any of these and we can be sure and meet up. Feel free to contact me if you need details. I’m excited to connect with more of you in person and learn together!

I’ve also created a permanent page here on Piano Pantry listing all these upcoming events as well as my previous events and topics. Find it here.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Teaching the Way We Learn: Applications of Gordon’s Music Learning Theory for Piano Teachers (with co-presenter Joy Morin)

Location: Wood-Ottawa Counties MTA (Bowling Green, OH)

Friday, September 29, 2017

Teaching the Way We Learn: First Applications of Gordon’s Music Learning Theory (with co-presenter Joy Morin)

Evernote for the Independent Music Teacher (Lightning Talk)

Location: Indiana MTA state conference (Marion, IN)

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Friday Finds #64: Grit and Google Gadgetry



Last week my first find was a James Clear article and this week is another. I just love his posts. They’re always well researched and thought out. The Paradox of Behavior Change.



How Reading Old Books Gives Us New Perspective | Michael Hyatt. This is one of my goals this year  – to include re-reads in my reading list. C.S. Lewis is also known for encouraging the re-reading of books, stating something along the lines of:

I can’t imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once… To me, re-reading my favorite books is like spending time with my best friends. I’d never be satisfied to limit myself to just one experience each with my favorite people.

The first book (and if we’re being honest, thus far the only book) I’ve re-read this year was Eat, Love, Pray by Elizabeth Gilbert.

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2017 GIML Conference (and two piano teachers in Chicago)

Following the 2017 NCKP Conference in Chicago, my travel buddy, Joy Morin and I had a few days to explore Chicago. It was great having a little brain break anyway!

I’m going to first share with you a little of our 3-day P.T. vacay followed by some of the great things I attended at the GIML (Gordon Institute for Music Learning) Conference. If you’re not familiar, the conference focuses on teaching inspired by Music Learning Theory (MLT).

Joy and I did a two-week training course in MLT and its practical application for piano in Boston, August 2016 so this was the perfect follow-up.

Chicago Food and Fun

In Laverne and Shirley style, we took to bikes and did the 10-mile (ish) lake shore bike track—we couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day.

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Friday Finds #63: Electric Kettle and Musical Coloring Pages



All Models are Wrong, Some are Useful: How to Make Decisions in an Imperfect World | James Clear.



When we lived in Australia, one of the things that were new to us was the lack of drip coffee makers in homes. Instead, many have electric kettles for boiling water. This was something I had never seen! We’ve had one ever since and now I can’t imagine not having one.

It made an amazing graduation present this past May for our friend’s daughter and she is absolutely loving it. It’s perfect for heating water in a dorm room for ramen noodles, tea, hot chocolate, oatmeal, you name it. I won the best-present award! LOL. This is our favorite kettle. Continue reading

Colors of the Rainbow: A review of Ready for Theory

Recently, a teacher friend told me that I “dress my type.” Of course, this made me crane my neck a bit and look at her with a quizzical expression, wondering if this was a good or bad thing.

“I’m pretty sure you’re a Type 4, which means you wear a lot of bold, solid colors,” she explained.

At the time, I had a bright red dress on. Hmmm…maybe she’s onto something.

“Perhaps,” I said, “but I also wear a LOT of blacks.”

“Actually,” she countered, “type 4 also wears a lot of blacks!”

Well, there you go. Apparently, I’m a type 4, and I’m doing pretty good on my wardrobe—she wins! LOL.

Bright, Bold, Clean, and Beautiful

What does this short story have to do with my review? Not a whole lot except that solid, bright colors first drew me to this beautiful theory course. Maybe my friend WAS onto something. 🙂

Calling a theory course “beautiful” may be stretching it, I know, but when it comes to theory books (or any sheet music/method books for that matter), appearance goes a long way for me.

In fact, in a Friday Finds last year, I called Lauren Lewandowski’s Ready for Theory books “the prettiest theory books I had ever seen.”

Don’t you agree?

They’re the colors of the rainbow – what student wouldn’t be drawn to that?!

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NCKP 2017 Conference Highlights

The 2017 National Conference for Keyboard Pedagogy (NCKP) has quickly come and gone. It was my second go and in a way, returning this year was a little special for me. Why, you ask?

NCKP 2015 was the birthplace of Piano Pantry. With a bit of encouragement from Joy Morin during that conference, I took a leap of faith, and here we are!

I’m going to hit the highlights in this post. If you want to check out a lot more photos, head over to my Instagram or Facebook accounts.

Favorite Moments

One of my favorite things at conferences is when you walk into your first sessions and begin seeing people you only get to see once or twice a year outside of Facebook. We were lucky to get to hang out with and share several meals with Jennifer Foxx of Music Educator Resources and Lynnette Barney who was interviewed on the Tim Topham Creative Piano Teaching Podcast.

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Friday Finds #61: Mighty Bright and Ballet



This past weekend I accompanied for a production of the 2-person show The Last Five Years, by Jason Robert Brown. The Mighty Bright Orchestra Light and Mighty Bright Duet Light both came in super handy to light up both sides of my keyboard fully in the dark theater.



In anticipation of the intense hours of rehearsal of this 179-page score, I had both chiropractor and massage appointments set up for the Monday/Tuesday following! I tend to pull a lot of tension in my left shoulder/neck area, regardless of piano playing. Rosemary’s suggestion for a book on Instant Relief (from your everyday aches & pains) was timed just right. I’m definitely intrigued by this book! Continue reading

An NCKP Goody: From My Pantry to Yours

The National Conference for Keyboard Pedagogy starts tomorrow in Chicago. I’ll be making the 4-hour trek from my Northeast Indiana home with my friend, Joy Morin from Color in My Piano blog.

I look forward to meeting some of you and wanted to let you know I have a special treat to hand out at NCKP, but you have to ask me personally for one!

The only requirement is that you use the word “Pantry” when you ask.

Something along the lines of:

What’s in your Pantry?


Can I have something from your Pantry?

I have limited stock, but I’ll give you a clue that it’s something yummy and healthy. See you soon!