A Compilation of Faber’s Achievement Solo Sheets

Piano Adventures by Randall and Nancy Faber has been a staple in the piano teaching community for a long time. The method books, supplementary PreTime to BigTime, and Developing Artist series are well-known and familiar to many teachers.

I feel like the solo sheets are less prominent, though, as it took me a few years into teaching before I realized they had Achievement Literature Sheets as part of the Developing Artist series.

It’s the same way with the Achievement Solo Sheets. I was familiar with a few but didn’t realize the full scope until recently browsing their website. There are more than 30 available (3-6 per level!)

While you can find all the Achievement Literature Sheets easily in the Developing Artist Piano Library, interestingly enough, there is no way on their website to easily see all of the Achievement Solo Sheets in one place. They’re not even listed where you might expect, which would be under the “Piano Books” segment with each level. The only way to find them is under “Quick Shop.” Let me show you quickly in this video:

I thought it might be useful for you (and myself!) to be able to see all of these in one place, so I compiled all of them from Primer to Level 5 in one music list for you on Sheet Music Plus!

See the whole list of Faber’s Achievement Solo Sheets here.

A few of my favorites (from those I’ve known about until now) include:

Pete the Repeat Bird

Pony Express

Zoom, Zoom, Witches Broom

Cat Prowl

The Notorious Pirate

Shimmering Waterfalls

More Favorite Repertoire Lists

This list isn’t the first I’ve created on Sheet Music Plus. I also keep lists of favorite supplemental books, church music, pop/Disney/video game music, Christmas, and classical repertoire compilations.

Find links to all of these as well as more details on how to create your own in this post:

Favorite Repertoire Lists on Sheet Music Plus

More Solo Sheet Favorites

If you’re interested in finding more great solo sheets, there are several posts you might check out here on Piano Pantry:

Sheet Music Piano Solos: 9 Lessons Learned from a 1-Year Project

Favorite Elementary-Level Sheet Music Piano Solos

Favorite Intermediate-Level Sheet Music Piano Solos

Favorite Sheet Music Piano Solos for Halloween

What are some of your favorites from Faber’s Achievement Solo Sheets? Share in the comments!


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