Summer is a wonderful time to do something especially creative for your student’s performance. A few things I’ve done in the past:
Theme: “Songs We Know” (I actually didn’t do this in the summer but it would be a fun theme for the warm months!)
44 Recital Themes Everyone Will Love (Wendy Stevens | Compose Crate)
Pieces that Boost Confidence (Lauren Lewandowski | Piano with Lauren)
Lauren is always a great resource for great repertoire finds!
There’s a good chance with Summer being busy for many people and kids being out and about, preparation for a Summer recital may not happen as easily for all. Rosemarie over at the Unfinished Lesson has some tips for us:
Help! My Student Doesn’t Have Their Recital Song Mastered
If your studio is still online, consider doing something unique such as digital performance rooms. Here’s more from LouAnn Pope:
A Glimpse into My Performance Room
A Look Back on my First Backyard Recital (Leila Viss)
How to Host an Outdoor Summer Piano Party (Melissa Quilitzsch | Colourful Keys)
Anyone else have students who love playing Billie Joel? One summer, one of my students requested “Rocket Man” and I must say, it was an excellent lesson in syncopation!
Piano Recital Showcase – Summertime Fun: 12 Favorite Pieces Carefully Selected for Elementary Level (Hal Leonard)
A rundown of repertoire that would be fun for students in the Summer as well as lists of some of my favorite individual sheet music solos
Friday Finds #218 Summer Repertoire
Favorite Elementary-Level Sheet Music Solos
Favorite Intermediate-Level Sheet Music Solos
Wendy Stevens once again has put together a lovely Summer-themed recital program template package.
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