Turkey day is just around the corner!
We have more than 25 days to enjoy our next holiday. Can we vow to put aside the excitement for what’s to come and give the next few days to the important celebration at hand? Hope so. 🙂
Have a great holiday week, everyone!
I’ve been working on a Thanksgiving playlist on Spotify this week.
Some of my favorites on the playlist include:
- All Meat and No Potatoes (Louis Armstrong)
- Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie (Jay & The Techniques)
- Everybody Eats When They Come to My House (Cab Calloway)
- Let’s Turkey Trot (Little Eva)
- Mashed Potato Trot (Dee Dee Sharp)
- Simple Living (Keith & Kristyn Getty)
Oh, who am I kidding…I love them all!! You’ll just have to listen and be delighted. 🙂
Watch 2018 National Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman Perform her Thanksgiving Poem (CBS This Morning)
The Thanksgiving Reader for your gathering. (Seth Godin)
Feed Yourself: On diets, Bingeing and Abundance (Addie Zierman)
My favorite snippet from this article:
What does my body actually need – and is it the same as what your body needs? Is it possible for the soul to require chocolate or chicken soup even if the body itself doesn’t?…
What about joy? What about taste and texture and beauty and decadence? What about the way that food is all knotted around memories and emotions and nostalgia and fear?
What about lemonade bought from the neighbor kids on the way home from work? What about the pancakes served by the community Lion’s club or the Jell-O salad served by the church ladies or family pizza night?
To refuse these foods may save you calories, but does it cost you something else, something more precious, something more sustaining even than the food itself?
Just for fun, here are a few music-themed Thanksgiving jokes.
- What’s the musical part of the turkey? The Drumstick
- What kind of music did Pilgrim teenagers like? Plymouth Rock
- What key do composers never write music in? Tur-key
What were the piano teacher’s two favorite foods at the Thanksgiving dinner? TurKEY and KEY lime pie!
Overcoming Envy (Joshua Becker | Becoming Minimalist)
After Receiving a Touching Piece of Fan Mail, Author Asks Teen to Collaborate on a Book (The Week)
These Nature Valley Breakfast Biscuits are the bomb! I try to not keep too many pre-packaged things like this around but these are soooo hard to resist! They also have a peanut butter version but they’re not half as good as the almond butter ones!
Put your order in this week for your advent calendar! Oh, so many to choose from.
I don’t normally purchase advent calendars like this but decided to have a little fun this year and decided to splurge on #7, Williams Sonoma’s Peppermint Bark Advent Calendar. I looovvveee their peppermint bark.
What about Advent Reading? Every year I have intentions to do advent reading but it never happens as I want. This year, I’m determined it will be different.
I’ve had this link saved in my Evernote account to help me decide on a book: 5 books for Advent Reading. They all sound incredibly good, but the first one made it into my Amazon cart for this year. I’m still keeping it bookmarked for years to come!
Do you do an advent calendar or reading each year? If so, what are your favorites? Share in the comments!
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