It’s the end of the month which means I have a nice hefty list for you. Take what you need, leave the rest, and by all means, ignore it completely if you don’t have the bandwidth.
Otherwise, I hope you can find something that intrigues you, sparks your imagination, makes life easier, or even just brings a moment of joy.
A couple of weeks ago in our Summertime finds, I shared a Summer playlist for your listening pleasure.
Playlists are a fun little pastime for me so I was back at it again, creating a 4th of July one.
A disclaimer on the Independence Day playlist: it is not full of Patriotic marching band-type music but I will admit there might be some Country music involved (not normally my genre of choice). 🙂 Enjoy!

Eventually, I’m going to run out of playlist ideas. LOL.
Praise Students for their Effort, not their Talent (Chris Foley | The Collaborative Piano Blog)
I am absolutely loving the beautiful printable music posters that Joy shared recently. What a fun way to decorate your space! (Joy Morin | Color in My Piano)
If you follow me on Instagram, you got a peek at this recommendation earlier in the month. Oatsome Organic Coffee Creamer is my new favorite.
Some people were inquiring where to buy. While the link I just gave takes you to Amazon, I can get it at my local grocer – Walmart.
The Single Most Important Thing You Should Do On the First of Every Month (The Kitchen)
While classic bate-click marketing, it’s a pretty good recommendation. Just to make it easier for you – the article says you should clean your dishwasher filter once a month.
Let me go further. I put a reminder on my calendar the last Friday of the month to do the following things:
- Run the dishwasher through a cleaning cycle (apparently, I should also clean the filter).
- Run the coffee maker through a cleaning cycle.
- Give the kitchen sinks a good cleaning with Bar Keeper’s Friend. (Probably should do this more often but it can get away from you easily.)
- Plunk a cleaning tablet (Lemi-Shine is my favorite) into the garbage disposals. (Yes, that was plural. I have two – one in my regular sink and one in my prep sink. #spoiled)
- Wash all bedding (including mattress and pillow covers and blankets).
Musicianship Monthly: Summer Edition (Chrissy Ricker)
Juneteenth: What it is and How it is Observed (NPR)
This is the kind of article that might easily give you some warm fuzzies: Coming Home Dinners (Jenny Rosenstrach | A Cup of Jo)
For years I had and enjoyed using Jennifer Foxx’s game I Have Who Has Rhythm Clapbacks.
So, I went crazy when I saw Melody Payne also a whole series of this popular game. You can purchase them as a bundle or, as I did, just pick and choose which ones you want and purchase them individually.
A studio teacher giving out a scholarship to a graduating senior? What a wonderful idea!
A couple of podcast episode recommendations:
99% Invisible Podcast #442 Tanz Tanz Revolution: On the development of and heightened popularity of techno music in Berlin
Music Studio Startup #078 Noa Kageyama on Building a Personally Fulfilling Business
Chris Foley always has something interesting and provocative to say including his most recent thoughts on blogging. (Foley Music and Arts)
Lastly, my obligatory good recipe recommendation/finds!
Salted Chocolate Peanut Butter Oat Cups (Gimme Some Oven)
These make nice bite-size snacks when you make them in mini cupcake pans!
Burger Bowls (House of Yumm)
We eat a LOT of salads in the Summer. It’s so nice having a variety to choose from and really loved the take on the Burger Bowl. It kind of feels like a taco salad but tastes like a burger without the bun!
Basic + Awesome Chicken Quinoa Salad (Pinch of Yum)
See? Another salad! LOL
The Best Rice Krispie Treats You’ll Ever Make (How to Make Cereal Treats)
We had some friends with young kids over for lunch after church one Sunday so I tried my hand for the first time with Rice Krispie Treats.
P.S. The secret ingredient that makes them the “best” is European Butter. 😉