Drumroll, please…
After two years and five months of this blog, Piano Pantry now has a SHOP! (I’ve been waiting so long to say that!!)
You can find it in the top menu bar.
While this is quite an exciting announcement, there’s an even better one…
What’s the first product, you ask?
It’s a Music Lab series!
How This Series Came To Light
For a brief history of music labs and how I came to develop this series, as well as a few details on how I run my labs, check out:
As I mentioned in that post, when I started including a music lab eight years ago, there was only one “curriculum” product. While it was a great product, it just wasn’t working for me, and I didn’t want to have to purchase a book for every student for music lab time, so I began creating my own materials.
Goals for This Lab Series
The biggest thing I was looking for was a flexible program for all my students – no matter their method book, age, or level.
One of my frustrations with 90% of apps and programs is that there is no way to track student progress.
Of the 10% (or less) that do, you must physically go to each program/app to see what the student has achieved. This was WAY too much legwork!
As a visual (and “big picture”) person, I wanted to see everything in one location.
Thus, most of the Music Lab sheets are customized to each program. You can use it to convey their assignment for that day and have written instructions and the ability to track their progress.
Sold as individual-app and program-based labs, you can design your students’ curriculum and lab time around the apps and programs you enjoy the most and according to the age and level of students in your studio.
Available Lab Sheets
There are currently ten different music labs available in the shop.
For more detailed information on each, a review of the program, and a preview of each lab, see the posts linked below.
Condensed details are also included with each lab listed in the shop.
1) Essentials of Music Theory
Details here: My Favorite Computer-Based Program for Music Lab Time
2) Fun Music Videos
Details here: More Than 100 Videos for Your Music Lab
3) Holiday Lab – Halloween
Details here: Halloween Music Videos Listening Activity
4) Holiday Lab – Christmas
Details here: Christmas Music Videos Listening Activity
5) Music Theory Videos
Details here: More Than 100 Videos for Your Music Lab
6) Piano Inspires KIDS
Details here: A Music Lab for Piano Inspires KIDS
7) Rhythm Cat HD
Details here: Favorite iPad Apps for Music Lab time
8) Rhythm Lab
Details here: Favorite iPad Apps for Music Lab time
9) Staff Wars
Details here: Favorite iPad Apps for Music Lab time
10) Waay
Details here: Favorite iPad Apps for Music Lab time
Each lab is a letter-size PDF to be kept in a 3-ring binder. Every download includes information on terms of use and specific instructions for both the teacher and student pertaining to that individual lab.
All labs are studio licenses, meaning you can print as many copies for your students (only) as you need for as long as you live.
Please keep in mind each license is per teacher / individual studio. You must purchase multiple copies if you are part of a multi-teacher studio or music school. Please contact me to determine the appropriate purchasing.
How I Run My Music Labs
First, you might check out a few details on how my labs are structured in the post, Music Labs in the Independent Studio: A Brief History.

If you’re curious for even more details on how I run music labs in my studio, I’ve created a 15-page eBook chock full of all kinds of “pro tips.”
We’ll talk about scheduling, set-up, and organizing (one of my favorite topics! 🙂 )
Laid out in an easy-to-read and understand format, this book will answer all your questions regarding music lab time!
Find this along with the entire music lab series in the SHOP.
Amy, this is perfect timing as I am getting lab books ready today and tomorrow and was needing more assignments for older students. I am so excited about your curriculum, however, every time I go to checkout what I have added to my cart, my cart is empty. Any suggestions?
Hi, Christy,
I’m so sorry about that! It was checkout out fine just last night. It just did the same thing for me. I made a small change then suddenly it was working again (but I’m not convinced what I did fixed it). Go ahead and try it one more time. Also, you might try a hard refresh. (Mac: Shift + Reload or Cmd + Shift + R PC: Ctrl + F5). I’m going to email you as well.