The Piano Teacher Reset with Dr. Elizabeth Davis
A virtual retreat for teachers to come and be refreshed, rejuvenated, and enjoy collaborating with fellow teachers!
After reading an article by The Kitchn on the best way to store blueberries, I was pleased to discover I was already using the best method! Who wouldn’t want berries that lasted longer?
Already, I am considering if I should stock up on the rest of the books in his series. I loved this easy read. It’s such a simple concept, yet we often place more “conditions” on our students than we may realize.
Teaching Piano to Your Own Children (Janna Williamson)
I can’t wait to try these Cottage Cheese Pancakes from 101 Cookbooks!
They sounds similar to a high protein oat waffle I’ve made several times and love that also has cottage cheese as a base.
I 100% agree with Tim’s list of what is and is not working with teaching music lessons in 2023.
I enjoyed this conversation with singer and songwriter Audrey Assad on her story and faith journey.
Musical Storybooks for Kids (Dynamic Teaching Podcast)
I love hearing about books other teachers love! There are so many out there, I’ve tried over the years to focus on only purchasing those related to piano. If you’re interested in seeing more, check out these posts here on the Piano Pantry blog:
Building a Lending Library of Piano-Themed Children’s Books
Listening Playlists to Accompany Music-Themed Children’s Books
Music-Themed Comic Books for Your Lending Library
By the way, there are a few newer podcasts for piano teachers that have popped up in recent months:
Dynamic Music Teaching with Rachel Ehring (mentioned above)
For the piano teacher who wants to go beyond the method book.
New Harmony with Amy Elmore
Thoughtful conversations with music teachers, striving to live in wellness and balance as business owners.
Piano Teacher Primer with Angela Toone
For piano teachers just starting out.
What is Kindle Unlimited? The Ultimate Guide (Simply Rebekah)