Many of us in the US have been hit these past couple of weeks with some serious weather. I can’t remember the last time we here in Indiana have seen this many days in a row of 20-degree weather and consistent snow with no melting and slush.
I have to say that I’m loving it! Working from home, of course, certainly makes it easier to enjoy and not dread. I’ve always been of the opinion that if it’s going to be winter, I would rather experience the season with all it has to offer.
Stay warm and safe – especially all of you that have had to go through all the power outages!
Winter’s Serenade Intermediate-level sheet music by Dennis Alexander
The winter-scenes over on Kiel James Patrick’s Instagram account have been incredibly enjoyable to follow!
A Winter playlist on Spotify. (Amy Chaplin)
Music that will set the scene for the beautiful side of winter including scenic white views, crisp cold, and comforting warm fuzzies.
Look at this downtime for fresh produce as an opportunity to take advantage of all the beautiful fruits and vegetables that you can get in your freezer section!
Trader Joe’s is one of my favorite places to buy frozen products. Check out this podcast episode highlighting their freezer section.
The Perfect Winter Piano Piece (Wendy Stevens)
Shades of Sound Listening & Coloring Book: Winter (Playful Piano)
Winter-time inspired grand-piano coloring page (Leila Viss).
A short story: The Fir-Tree by Hans Christian Anderson (Becoming Minimalist)
Cold church blues: practicing organ in the winter. (Rebekah Maxner)