When I first discovered podcasts years ago, I went bananas. Every free moment I was listening to one – working out, driving, making the bed, cooking dinner, laminating and cutting out teaching aids – you name it. I couldn’t get enough.
It almost got to the point where it felt like a to-do list. I didn’t want to miss an episode of any of the podcasts I was following (the list was much shorter then).
Then one day it hit me. I’m burnt out. I simply have not had the motivation to listen to any-more, especially those that are more than 30 minutes.
Keep in mind I’m talking about on a weekly basis. There are those times on long drives or when I’m mowing the yard in the summer when I’m happy to plug in and listen to a long show, but in general, I am now reaching only for those that are 30 minutes or less and even more frequently 20 minutes or less.
So, today I wanted to share with you my favorite podcasts under 20 minutes.
Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast
Host: Andy Stanley
(Also known for: Pastor at Atlanta-based North Point Ministries)
Description: “A conversation designed to help leaders go further.”
Episodes worth mentioning:
03.02.2017 Creating a Culture of Continual Improvement
05.05.2017 Doing What Only You Can Do
07.07.2017 How to Lead When You’re Not In Charge
Ask Pat 2.0: A Weekly Coaching
Host: Pat Flynn
(Also known for: Smart Passive Income)
Description: “A weekly coaching call on online business, blogging, marketing, and lifestyle design.”
Episodes worth mentioning:
AP 0460: How Do I Balance Between Working and Learning
AP 0976: How Do I Differentiate Myself From My Competitors?
AP 0989: How Do I Drive More Traffic to My Site?
The Musicality Podcast
While most of the episodes of this podcast are around 45 minutes, the host does a 10-minute solo episode once a week.
Host: Christopher Sutton
Description: “The Musicality Podcast is a free twice-weekly show devoted to helping you become more musical. We cover topics like: playing by ear, improvising, writing music, singing in tune, performing and jamming, and much more.
Episodes worth mentioning:
007: About the Power of Solfa
023: About the 20,00 Hour Rule
029: About Good Music Habits
The Next Right Thing
Host: Emily P. Freeman
(Also known for: Simply Tuesday)
Description: “For the second-guessers, the chronically hesitant, or anyone who suffers from decision fatigue, best-selling author and host Emily P. Freeman helps create a little space for your soul to breathe so you can discern your next right thing in love.
Episodes worth mentioning:
04 Record What You Learn
06 Know the Power of Naming
11 Wear Better Pants
Nutrition Diva
Host: Monica Reinagel
(Also known for: Nutrition Over Easy)
Description: “Nutrition Diva Monica Reinagel serves up simple, painless ways to upgrade your eating habits. Before you know it, you’ll be eating healthier and feeling more fabulous!”
Episodes worth mentioning:
387 How to Tell If You’re Really Hungry.
397 Is Intuitive Eating the Answer to Weight Loss?
418 Is Eating Late Bad for Your Heart?
435 Is Your Metabolism to Blame?
Two Guys on Your Head
Hosts: Dr. Art Markman & Dr. Bob Duke
(Bob Duke is also known for writing the book Intelligent Music Making)
Description: “Each week Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke explore different aspects of human behavior and the brain. In conversations hosted by producer Rebecca McInroy, the two renowned UT psychologists cover everything from the effects of sugar on the brain, to what’s happening in our minds while we sleep, and much, much more.
Episodes worth mentioning:
10.20.2017 Math, Music, and the Brain
11.16.2017 The Psychology of Thanksgiving
11.16.2017 Reading vs. Listening
The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe
Who doesn’t love Mike Rowe’s voice? I call this podcast Paul Harvey of the 21st Century. Disclaimer that there is the very occational foul language.
Host: Mike Rowe (Also known for: Dirty Jobs, Deadliest Catch)
Description: “All good stories have a twist, and all great storytellers are just a little twisted. Join me for a different take on the people and events that you thought you knew, from pop culture to politics, Hollywood to history… The Way I Heard It is a series of short mysteries for the curious mind with a short attention span.”
Episodes Worth Mentioning:
Episode 88: The Missiles of December
Episode 86: Francisco’s Flakes
Episode 85: Strange Bedfellows
What’s your favorite short podcast?
I love this post! I agree that it can be really easy to feel like you’re married to podcasts. I like quite a few and I have to remind myself that I can always go back and listen to them–especially the long ones!
My favorite “short” podcast is NPR’s Up First, which I listen to every morning as I walk my dog after we get up. It’s never more than 15 minutes and it’s the top news stories from around the world.
I just subscribed! Thanks for the suggestion Georgeanne!
Amy, thanks for the article! I follow on average about 12 (or more) podcasts & was thinking it was time for a culling.
While I already listen to the Musicality podcast, I didn’t know about Ask Pat 2.0 & Two Guys in Your Head. So far, I’ve only had a chance to listen to one Ask Pat 2.0 episode, but I’m really enjoying it! It’s replaced another much longer podcast on a similar topic. It’s nice to have a sense of accomplishment in 10 – 20 minutes just by listening to a shorter, but just as educational, podcast. Looking forward to listening to Two Guys in Your Head this week!
Hey, Rosemarie! Yeah, Ask Pat is a great way to absorb a little bit of advice about the whole website/online blogger/platform world in little clips. Glad you’re enjoying it!