5-Days of Giveaways | 03: Milk Street Magazine

It’s day three of the one-year anniversary celebration of Piano Pantry!

Thank you to everyone who entered yesterday’s (day 2) giveaway. The winner of Day 2: John Feierabend’s “Move It!” DVD was Christie Ventura who has been notified via email). Congratulations!

I’m only giving away items that I currently use and love. We have two more days to go. Monday and Tuesday of next week, (March 13, 14) will be high price prizes!

To be sure you don’t miss these biggies, sign up to receive weekly updates on Piano Pantry’s most recent posts. I will be sending a reminder email on Monday and Tuesday for the giveaway to my email list. Don’t worry; this is the only time I’ll be sending an email every day, I promise.

Today’s giveaway is sponsored by me! If you want to know a little more about me, the life I life, and what makes me tick, you can read more here. If not, that’s OK too – read on! 🙂

Day 3 | Year Subscription (6 issues) to Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street Magazine

Since today is FRIDAY, the day I normally do a Friday Finds post and often share foodie finds, I decided to make today’s giveaway a “foodie” giveaway. While this site combines my two passions of music and good food, it’s a lot about piano and a little about food. I’m just happy you all let me indulge and interweave my food crazies!

As a long-time fan of America’s Test Kitchen, while sad to see Christopher Kimball leave, I was equally excited for his new venture, Milk Street. Just as yesterday’s giveaway was an item that has been mentioned twice in previous Friday Finds, so is today’s giveaway! Check out this post (Unlocking Creativity, Unfurling Jolene, and this post (The Friday After).

When I got my charter issue of the magazine, of course, I had to share it on Instagram!

What I love so far about the magazine:

  • The simple bow tie logo is brilliant and screams “Christopher Kimball” all on its own.
  • The layout is clean, modern, not too cluttered, and the perfect length.
  • Their focus is on bringing foods from all around the world to the American home kitchen in a simpler way.

My favorite recipe so far is from the charter issue you see in my Instagram screenshot: Thai-Style Coleslaw with Mint and Cilantro (except I skip the mint because I’m not a fan unless it’s in a mojito).

This 24-hour giveaway starts at 12:00 a.m. EST on 3/10/2017 and ends at 12:00 a.m. EST on 3/11/2017.

Good luck and don’t forget to check back Monday for the day four giveaway!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Chosen by Rafflecopter’s random generator, I would like to congratulate Kathy Beemer (who has been notified via email) winner of today’s giveaway! Thanks to all who entered.


  • Our usual Friday night treat – grilled salmon steaks, spinach salad and garlic baquette, with a nice chardonnay!

  • Friday night is always pizza and movie night for the kids, so I make homemade pizza for them; but my husband isn’t a fan and I try to eat vegan most of the time for my cholesterol, so we’re having salads instead.

    I signed up but never got the trial issue of Milk Street, I’d love to try it!

  • Sounds like an interesting magazine! Always looking for new recipes to go along with my favorite tried & true recipes, because we entertain a lot. Love reading your posts. You’re amazing !

  • Chicken enchiladas. Also, Christopher Kimball does a great job educating about food and food preparation techniques.

  • My husband is the true foodie in our family. I just pretend to be 😉 I know we would love this magazine!!

  • Sadly, no time for dinner tonight……it’s a grab whatever you can and fend for yourself kind of night.

  • I bought the charter issue on a newstand somewhere, but I have not had time to try any of the recipes. Maybe next week during our spring break! Thank you for reminding me I have this somewhere in my life!

  • Yummy homemade minestrone soup tonight. I seem to really be into soup these days, maybe due to the rain we’ve finally had here in SoCal! I’m always wanting new dinner ideas

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