I’m excited to announce that I will be hosting a free webinar with Tim Topham this coming weekend!
(Don’t be confused by the date on the image, as that’s Australia time. It’s Saturday evening, June 4, here in the US. See below to find out when it is for your time zone.)
I’ve been listening to his podcast since the start, and we met for the first time at MTNA 2016. This webinar is the session I gave in San Antonio, hence the “Wild West” theme! 🙂

what Tim has to say
I’m very pleased to give you front-row access to my free webinar next weekend with Amy Chaplin called “The Wild West of Studio Marketing“.
It’s a live 1-hour online training on Sunday 5 June at 8am AEST.
What time is that for me?
What’s it about?
If you’ve ever wondered about the best way to market you studio, create buzz and build student numbers, you’re going to love hearing about what Amy has achieved in 4 years of starting a studio from scratch.
Most importantly, not only does she have a great story and fantastic marketing ideas, she’s researched, analysed and graphed the outcomes of more than ten different specific marketing strategies, so that you can save time and money learning which ones work the best.
I was completely blown away by Amy’s presentation at the MTNA conference this year.
Not only is she a fantastic, genuine and knowledgeable speaker, she has the research and analytics to back up what she says.
Just wait until you see the graphs!!
How do I register?
Just click the button:
This webinar has passed!
I hope to see you all there, yee-haw!