One Registration Question Not to be Missed!

A month or two leading up to the turn of a calendar year, school term, or school year is always the height of new student inquiries.

Before that time comes, we as teachers should always take a moment to make sure our registration process is updated, refreshed, and ready to go. I’m always making tiny tweaks and improvements!

Today I want to share one question you don’t want to miss asking on your registration form.

This question is my absolute FAVORITE to read and I know will become yours as well.

The Question

Here it is:

Please take a moment to describe your child including specifics such as temperament, learning style, what motivates them, anything that might cause them to shut down, or any other information that would help me be a better teacher for them.

The obvious reason for asking this question on the registration form for new students is, of course, that it helps you get to know them before you even start working together.

Reading these statements became so helpful, however, that eventually, I decided to include the question on my registration form for returning students as well. (Yes, they fill out a registration form each year, but it’s much shorter and modified.)

You may be wondering why in the world I would need to ask that question after working with students for a year or more – am I right?

As one of my parents wrote on their form “If you don’t know them by now…”

It’s true, yes I know my students, but there’s something concrete and solidifying about reading words directly from a parent that helps me feel more confident that I know their student.

Here’s how I word the question on each of my registration forms:

New Student

Please take a moment to describe your child including specifics such as temperament, learning style, what motivates them, anything that might cause them to shut down, or any other information that would help me be a better teacher for them.

Returning Students

Please take a moment to describe your child including specifics such as temperament, learning style, what motivates them, anything that might cause them to shut down, or any other information that would help me be a better teacher for them.

EVEN IF YOUR CHILD HAS BEEN TAKING LESSONS with me for a while, they change as they mature and grow from year to year. It’s incredibly helpful to hear these words coming directly from you each year. Thank you for taking the time to help me out!

Examples from My Studio

Some parents don’t write much – just a few descriptive words (which is fine and certainly better than nothing)!

Approximately half of my parents however write really lovely statements such as those that you’ll read below. Their words really touch me and I absolutely delight in reading them.

I hope sharing ones from my studio families will help convince you of what you have to look forward to if you include this question on your own registration form! 🙂

P.S. I removed all names so you will see lots of pronouns beginning many sentences. 🙂

She is extremely motivated by challenges and competition. She is very confident and loves encouragement and acknowledgment of her hard work.

He is very dedicated and deliberate in all his choices. He thinks through, often overthinking and can sometimes worry more than is necessary. He does not like change. He is very intelligent and a people pleaser. He is also very tender but has a temper when pushed too hard.

She is a slow learner, loves to read, and enjoys being with people. She is motivated by being able to perform for others. She loves all things notebook-y and calligraphy-ish. :). She will shut down if she cannot master a technique or a concept or if she perceives that someone is angry with her.

He is a hard worker. Sometimes it takes some pushing to get him started but once he’s going he’s all in. He wants to pursue music production in college.

She is a fun, loving kid at heart who is still learning to manage all her responsibilities and is easily overwhelmed when she feels she has too many things on her plate. She is reluctant to take a challenge but rises to the occasion with encouragement to try new things while also acknowledging her achievements.

He likes to keep busy, has high energy, and is a perfectionist with many things, including sight-reading. He is motivated by an inner desire to do well and entertain others. He doesn’t like candy but does like chocolate. 🙂 He sometimes shuts down if he perceives that someone is angry with him or by tension in the room.

She is very shy and quiet in new social settings and can take quite a while to get comfortable. She likes to do a good job in everything she does, so she tends to shut down when she’s unsure of what people expect of her, if she feels like she’s failing, or if she feels like she’s disappointing anyone.

He is an intelligent, caring person. He does tend to become easily distracted, but that does not affect his desire to learn: he just needs to learn to discipline himself with help from parents and teachers. He likes to perform, and that is what motivates him most – reminders to perfect what he will be performing.

She is motivated by Jazz right now and anything to support that is wonderful. She is playing with a Jazz combo group at HS. She is also learning to play the saxophone she is working on improving her organization and planning skillset.

He is very easy going, often choosing what works well for everyone else without fully asking himself what is best for him. He is very smart and loves to laugh. He isn’t very hard on himself and always has a positive outlook on life.

She is very organized and structured-she likes a list to check-off for her work. She loves to sing and play and may consider voice lessons. She is working on speaking clearly and slowly and trying to focus on one idea at a time. 


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