My Tech Drawer Makeover: Organizing Cords, Gadgets, and More

featured image with post text my tech drawer makeover: organizing cords, gadgets, and more and messy drawer photo

The tech drawer in our house has been in an unfortunate state for quite some time. I believe being organized in 85-90% of my life is enough for sanity, and our tech drawer has been part of the other 10-15%.

I reached the end of my patience with this one, though. Enough was enough – I couldn’t take it any longer! LOL

In this post, I’ll show you some before and after photos and talk through the thought process I went through in finding a better organizational solution for our tech drawer.

It’s 2025 – you likely have one as well, and if you don’t, it might be time to consolidate and create one dedicated space for technology!

Our Tech Drawer Mess – The “Before”

We’re lucky to have a fairly large drawer for this purpose (27″ x 20″ x 3″). It’s in our kitchen, on the opposite end of the cooking area.

a messy tech drawer

As you can see in the photo, we already had organizational trays in the drawer.

The problem was that these containers were a hodgepodge of what we already had on hand – trays that, at one time, had been used as office or bathroom drawer solutions. Thus, they were not necessarily appropriate sizes for the items – which ultimately made us stop making an effort to utilize the dividers and ended up just throwing things in.

Before we get too far, I should let you know that this is not ALL our technology stuff. It’s mostly our small things like extra chargers and other small items. We have a half dozen small plastic tubs in my studio storage room with other tech gear like power strips, extension cords, HDMI cables, audio cables, and more.

This is the small stuff.

Taking Inventory – Laying it All Out

The first step was to pull everything out of the drawer entirely.

a bunch of tech drawer stuff laid out on a countertop

Now you can better see the containers we were using. See what I mean? A serious hodgepodge. LOL

empty drawer with a hodgepodge of plastic organizing trays

After getting everything out of the drawer, the next step was to get everything into broader categories. I came up with approximately 8:

  1. Cords of all sizes and types
  2. Chargers
  3. Cord ties and clips
  4. Headphones
  5. Keys and unique coins (yes, a bit of a junk drawer as well)
  6. Phone holders
  7. Miscellaneous
  8. HDMI Cable (random)
cords of all types and sizes
Cords of all sizes and types
a variety of chargers
a variety of headphones and ear foam replacements
cord ties and clips
Cord ties and clips
keys and coins
Keys and unique coins
2 phone hip holders one facing front one facing back
Phone hip holders
miscellanous tech stuff
HDMI cable
HDMI cable

Transforming Tech Drawer Organization – The “After”

There were three things I had to consider when searching for a new organizational solution.

First, whether I liked the idea of plastic, rubber, clear acrylic, felt, or something else. Ultimately, I liked the idea of felt for the look, feel, and overall aesthetic. (Plus, the set I purchased came in a color that complimented the color of the drawer inside. LOL :-))

Second, I had to consider if I wanted something with a flexible or fixed layout (similar to what I had prior). I liked the idea of flexibility (no surprise there).

Third was space. How much room did I have, and how many containers did I need?

I ended up going with these Welaxy Felt Organizers in an oatmeal color. The set on the left is a 7-piece set, and the set on the right is an 8-piece set. I went with one of each for variety.

7-piece set
8-piece set

So much better!

Tech drawer clean and tidy with new felt organizing trays

In hindsight, the three small square containers in the 8-piece set aren’t that useful. The small rectangle ones that came in the 7-piece are much more functional.

My husband likes the two long, narrow rectangles containers that came in the 8-piece set, so we decided to keep it. Otherwise, I would recommend just going with the 7-piece set.

If you want to see more of my organizational favorites, check out Amy’s Favorites: Studio Organization.

What do you think? I’m pretty pleased.

In all my research, I came across a lot of great solutions, so in an upcoming post, I’m going to share a good half dozen great finds. If you’re ready to give your tech drawer a makeover, stay tuned so you can consider these options as well before you make a decision on what’s best for your technology drawer!

P.S. Speaking of technology… registration is open for the winter session of the Digital Organization Coaching series online. In this small group coaching, you’ll spend six 90-minute sessions with Amy and a small cohort of teachers tackling key areas of your daily digital workspace, including files, email, media, and more. Starts January 31! (Get $20 off by registering by January 29.)

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