Each Friday on this blog, I will share some of my favorite finds from the past week. I absorb a lot of content in Feedly so I’m looking forward to helping you as busy teachers see what’s worth checking out! You will find anything from teaching articles, podcasts, music news, recipes, favorite pieces, and more. I promise to try to keep it under 10 items!
If you’ve never heard of the Taubman Approach, read more about how the Goldansky Institute Transforms Lives One Student at a Time posted on Clavier Companion blog.
This past Sunday in worship, I played several of Victor Labenske’s cleverly woven arrangements in Sunday Morning Blended Worship Companion. A local band teacher attends the Lutheran Church where I play and the pieces really piqued his interest as well as he’s hoping to brush up on his playing skills! I grew up with the classic hymns and they still deeply touch my heart but I also love the power of today’s worship music. Thanks to Victor for pulling these together!
An absolutely brilliant activity to incorporate into your recital. Teacher Swan Kiezebrink has her students and audience participate in The Recital Compliment Exchange. I can think of no better way to have your students feel pride and affirmation. This would even be a great activity to do if you hold a recital dress rehearsal. Compliments prior to the recital would certainly give students confidence for the performance.
I made The Best Soft Granola Bars this week. I love how simple they are with only six ingredients and no baking required. The crushed pretzels definitely make them. They’re really tasty and overall pretty healthy! After cutting, I wrapped them in individual plastic sandwich baggies and threw them in the freezer. They’re easy to grab and pack for lunch.
If you’re a productivity junkie like me, check out Pat Flynn’s detailed post A Typical Day (and the Productivity Tools I Use). For some reason, the nerd in me loves hearing about people’s routines and day-to-day life and schedules. We can learn so much from each other!
If you still haven’t gotten your summer lesson information out or you’re just looking for more ideas, check out 3 Tips to Beat the Summer Lesson Bluesover at TopMusic.co
It seems like we move from one kleenex season to the next as we go from cold season into allergy season. Have you tried Kleenex Cool Touch? They are so cool – in both senses of the word! My nose loves me and if you keep them in your studio, your kiddos will no doubt have a fun reaction the first time they try them. I know it’s so simple of a recommendation but after my post earlier this week where I talked about creating “talking points,” unique items that spark conversation, awe, or interest, these would seriously be a talking points item!
King Arthur Flour has a new magazine called Sift. I just got my first copy in the mail and I have to say, for a magazine, it is absolutely breathtaking. Seriously! The cover is incredibly soft to touch (I’ve never felt a magazine cover like this one!), the pages are heavy, and the images bright, colorful, and beautiful. I love their tagline “Sift: Living, Breathing, Baking.” I’m not so much of a baker as a cook, but they’ve certainly inspired me! They only have four issues out so far and they are purchased individually, not as a subscription.