Last week Drew and I took a three-day getaway to Pennsylvania. We had our eyes set on Hershey and the Yuengling factory tour in Pottsville – yes, I spelled it right, it’s really “Pottsville.” (For those of you who may be wondering what Yuengling is, it’s a beer made in Pennsylvania and my husband’s favorite). He was thrilled when he found out it’s coming to Indiana in February!
This photo is in front of the factory.

This one is right on the other side of the street and is their newly remodeled museum/store/tasting building. I just had to show you because I thought the front of the building was beautiful!

While on our trip I was able to catch up on some leisure reading including this crazy but true Mystery in Six Parts.
With eighteen hours in the car, we also listened to this podcast on 99% Invisible about the NBC Chimes. I figured since the NBC chime-theme is what many use to identify a Major 6th, you may find it interesting.
A fantastic post on 40 Trendsetting Piano Teaching Resources over on 88 Piano Keys. I spent one morning carefully reading and checking them out.
Because of Marie and Leila’s recommendations:
- I finally decided to buy the MusiClock app.
- I clipped the “Carol of the Bells” jam session activity (using Evernote web clipper (see my tutorial here) under my “group” tag for next year’s Christmas class.
- I clipped Heather Nanney’s free practice pouch printable (using Evernote web clipper) and tagged it as “practice” and “teaching aid projects” for whenever I get around to putting together my practice pouches.
- I downloaded the Heads Up app for future group class use.
- I decided to take Marie’s recommendation and try out Birchbox just for fun for a while. 🙂
P.S. You may even find a couple of recommendations by them from right here on Piano Pantry on the list. 😉
Drew and I are going crazy over these Cherry Bay Dried Montmorency Cherries. Plump, delicious and even better than dried cranberries. Find at Target, Cosco, Meijer, or other locations.
These Almond, Cherry, and Cacao Nib Breakfast Cookies were quite tasty and healthy. I just used regular semi-sweet chocolate chips because it’s what I had on hand. I also like this breakfast cookie recipe by Ellie Krieger.
Let me leave you with this quote by Nigella Lawson as I heard on Episode 104 of Milk Street Radio as she and Christopher Kimball were discussing her philosophy of food and eating (fitting for the month when everyone thinks they have to fast and eat sawdust.) In regards to “bad” food…
If you feel guilty to have pleasure you don’t deserve to have pleasure.
-Nigella Lawson
Thank you so much for such a fun and informative blog! I have been reading it for a couple of months and find that you are so creative. I love seeing what other piano teachers are doing to make teaching piano more interesting for their students – and more fun for the teacher too.
Aw, thank you so much for your kind words, Lori. You just made my day! 🙂
Friday Finds are literally the BEST part of my Friday! Let me know how you like your first Birchbox shipment. I love trying out new beauty goodies and $10 doesn’t make me feel guilty about a little treat for myself. Birchbox subscriptions are my latest gift for bridal showers, too. Question for you: A few weeks ago you blogged about the Piano Star books and I ordered one of each off of Amazon. They’re shipped from the UK and took a while to get here. Where do you purchase yours from? I love the books and would like to order multiple copies in time for Festival and recitals this spring. Thanks for the terrific recommendation!
Hey, Marie! I just got my first Birchbox yesterday and I’ve already tried out most of them and really liked them. I agree – I think the $10 price point is perfect and since I tire of trying to decide what beauty products to check out, this will be perfect. I’m already looking forward to next month’s shipment! Yes GREAT idea for showers. I’m also thinking Christmas for my teenage niece! As far as the books go, forgive me, but I actually don’t recall blogging about the Piano Star books! Are you sure it was me? I looked back at all my Friday Finds into October and am not finding it. They look good though! LOL.
Glad you’re liking Birchbox, Amy. I was wondering why I couldn’t find anything on your blog about Piano Star. Must’ve been someone else. I think I subscribe to way too many blogs, ha ha! (But yours is literally one of my favorites!)
Sweet! I feel special! LOL 🙂 Maybe we’ll get to meet up at one of the conferences this year. I’m going to host a Piano Pantry dinner/meet-up at Baltimore – hope you’ll be there!