Do you still need to put together your holiday recital program? Check out this really cool “vintage” one from Wendy Stevens at Compose Create!
I’m not a huge ginger fan, but I do use it a lot more in the winter for Hot Toddies and such. Even though using the back of a spoon makes it easier, it’s still a bit of a pain. I finally decided to quickly research if it was even needed and found it’s not!
Highlights from My Students’ Silent Film Festival (Joy Morin)
Three pieces of excellent related content from Rebekah Maxner:
What every piano teacher needs to know about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
What every piano teacher needs to know about Autism (ASD)
How to Help Students Who Are Not Reaching Their Full Potential (Episode 093 of The Piano Pantry Podcast)
Joy Morin recently released a new book of 88 progressive pieces for pianists of all ages calledĀ Keys at Play. I am currently using it with two students and love how it introduces the progression of both rhythm and note reading!
I love theseĀ O-Cedar Non-Scratch Scrub Sponges
Find this and more of my personal favorite “life products” here.
Busy Doing What? – A great article from Wendy Stevens.