Are you as underwhelmed with using iMovie to create videos as I am? Several years ago, I found a better tool and have since been using Camtasia very happily ever since.
Recently, though, I heard about ClickChamp. If I were in the market for an alternative video editing tool, I would definitely check it out! They even have a free version!
Thoughts on music literacy from Eric Bluestine, author of The Ways Children Learn Music.
While I’m not much of a breakfast eater, I still love cereal of all kinds. This homemade “Better Breakfast Cereal” from 101 Cookbooks has me really intrigued. Now, if I could only get my small local grocer to handle some of these healthy items…
For those making the Tonara transition, here are some recommended resources:
-A great compilation of information and the results of a survey from Leila Viss.
-Episode 085 Tonara Transitions: A Special Teacher Talk episode on the Piano Pantry Podcast
An item I think everyone should have in their kitchen: Mini Tongs
I’m picky about the functionality of tongs. I don’t like the ones that release and latch from a lever at the back, as it requires two hands.
These have a little metal piece that slides up and down the handle, making it so much easier to open and close with one hand.
Recommended sightreading resources from Kate Boyd, YouTube’s The PianoProf.
Music Teacher Eats: A Week of Easy, Healthy Meals (Fall Edition)
Podcast episode recommendations:
How I plan a year of student repertoire (Ashley Danyew)
How to add notation to your worksheets and presentations (Midnight Music)
FREE Webinar – Diving in: An introduction to audiation-based instruction (October 2)
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