Friday Finds #17



A young composer “found himself playing the piano three-handed with renowned composer Benjamin Britten…while bombers tore past overhead,” in “The Day Benjamin Britten and I Played the Piano Together.”



A change of pace on the Musical Life Podcast with Jennifer Nicole Campbell’s delightful musings on “Claire de Lune.”




Seth Godin is publishing an all-new collector’s edition of his writing. There will be just one printing so if interested, you’ll want to pre-order!



Due to the merger of Music Educators Marketplace and Keys to Imagination, MEM is having a closeout sale 20-65% off. (I think that’s the 3rd sale/discount I’ve been able to pass on this month. There’s a lot going on!)




As you’re making purchases for the new school year, check out some of Diane Hidy’s favorites teaching items.



One of my “bucket list” goals is to learn another instrument. I used to play the French Horn and Trumpet in grades 6-9. I decided in grade 10 I wanted to be a choir girl but the joys of block scheduling (*insert sarcasm*) would not allow me to do both. To this day I wish I could still play both brass instruments. I toyed with learning guitar just out of high school but didn’t make enough effort to stick with it. Tim reminded me of my goal when challenging teachers to learn a new instrument in “Why Learning Guitar Made Me a Better Piano Teacher.”

  What’s your secondary instrument? If you don’t have one, what instrument would you choose? I’ve always wanted to play the cello…




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