Traveling Piano Man Finds the Key to Life. There’re all kinds of great, spontaneous collaborative music-making going on over on his YouTube Channel. I especially enjoyed the Spontaneous Street Piano and Violin Duet in NYC.
An 11-day event in San Francisco brings 12 piano’s into and positioned throughout the Botanical Gardens. Artists are scheduled to perform throughout the weekend but otherwise the pianos are available for the public to play throughout the week. How lovely!
It’s like James Clear is talking to piano teachers regarding repertoire assignments in The Goldilocks Rule: How to Stay Motivated in Life and Business. This quote says it all:
Tasks that are significantly below your current abilities are boring. Tasks that are significantly beyond your current abilities are discouraging. But tasks that are right on the border of success and failure are incredibly motivating to our human brains. We want nothing more than to master a skill just beyond our current horizon.
40 little nuggets of cooking wisdom. Do a quick scan and remember just ONE as you go throughout the next week.
Ah yes! Watermelon will be so much easier to eat when I cut it like this.
Piano Street has hit 20,000 likes on Facebook and is giving away 1-month Gold membership vouchers. *Expires July 20
Classic fm: The 20 Greatest Piano Concertos Ever Written.
There were no lessons in my studio this week. I have been using the much-needed time designing my new studio website, playing the piano, catching up on life, cooking to my hearts content, and doing some deep cleaning. I’m off to clean the carpets in my studio!
Until next week!