Friday Finds #245

This week’s goodies list calls of summer. Who doesn’t love strawberry season? Let’s kick the first few items off this week’s list with some of my favorite strawberry recipes!



Ina’s Easy Strawberry Jam is absolutely AMAZING. Including a few blueberries and chopped apple gives it a gorgeous color and texture.



You almost can’t call this recipe a recipe, but Almond Butter Strawberry-Toast is a lovely and simple combination. I first discovered this combination from Giada de Laurentii’s book Feel Good Food which I blogged about years about here.

I see some people online sprinkling over things like coconut, julienned basil, chia seeds, or toasted nuts. Toasted shaved almonds or pistachios would be my topper of choice but I usually just like it simple!



Perfect Summer Fruit Salad (All Recipes)

Nice for a small crowd. I love the variety of fruit as well as the inclusion of bananas. Just don’t put the bananas in until you’re ready almost to serve.  A little sweet sauce mixture pulls it all together and gives it a nice gloss.



My favorite flip-flop for at least 5 years has been the Sanuk Yoga Joy.

They’re made of yoga material and even though there’s not necessarily built-in arch support, I can walk in these shoes almost all day with no problems. I buy a new pair almost every summer and own both metallic colors: Pewter and Champagne.

I’ve tried the Sanuk “Yoga Spree” and they are not nearly as comfortable as the “Yoga Joy.”



Summer is a great time to overhaul your studio website. Here are 3 Ways to Look at Your Studio Site with Fresh Eyes.



Do you have any exciting summer reads lined up? I decided to go on a kick covering all the books from one of my newest favorite psychological-thriller authors, Ruth Ware.

She only has 7 books, and I had read two previously, so my plan is to binge the rest this summer and am already two more down. Are any other psychological-thriller fans out there? If so, let me know some recommendations below!



Break into the summer tunes with my Summer playlist on Spotify. Use it as a starting point for starting your own seasonal playlist!



Do you ever great tired of buying chicken broth? The cost can really add up if you use it a lot – especially in the winter months. I love making my own homemade stock but it’s a bit labor-intensive. Recently I discovered homemade bouillon powder. Brilliant! I’ve only made it once and used it in one recipe, but I’m excited to keep trying it out.



I’ll admit I almost tried the online hack of storing avocados in water in the fridge but never got around to it. According to this article, it sounds like it was a good thing as the FDA is warning against it.



My newest piano buddy, Janna, is killing it online with her wonderful teaching videos. Here’s one on Lesson Planning. She always has great advice and insight.



Speaking of piano buddies, be sure you don’t miss out on two of the most popular episodes of the Piano Pantry Podcast so far

#13 How to Make Music Teacher Friends

#15 Teacher Talk with Joy, Janna, and Christina

Speaking of the podcast, I’ve updated the podcast page here on Piano Pantry. It includes some screenshots showing you how to subscribe on desktop or mobile, or how to rate and review on Apple Podcasts. It’s not always intuitive!


Friday Finds #244: Best of May



Oh my goodness, this was probably one of my favorite interviews I’ve ever heard Tim Topham give. He almost had me crying!

The Interview That Made Me Cry with Gloria St. Germaine (Topcast TC278



Why Student-Led Conferences Work So Great in the Music Studio (Rosemarie Penner | The Unfinished Lesson)



A Simple, Effective, and Magical Element for Student Evaluations (Amy Chaplin | The Piano Pantry Podcast)



This video is a few years old but I just so happened to come across it recently. What a fun idea from Piano Sensei Clinton Pratt!


Rosemarie Trapp, whose family inspired ‘The Sound of Music,’ dies at age 93 (NPR)



How to Create a QR Code for Your Recital Program (Melody Payne)



How German Wine Makers Turned Disaster into a Good Year (CBS Sunday Morning)



Flat Tuition Payments for Private Music Lessons (Chad Twedt | Cerebroom)



7 Quotes that Forever Changed My View of Money (Joshua Becker | Becoming Minimalist)



My favorite new desk organizer caddy.



You Can Now Ask Google to Take Your Personal Data out of Search Results (NPR)



If you’re an Anne of Green Gables fan like me, you might get a kick out of this video: Life-Changing Homemaking Secrets from Anne of Green Gables.



A couple of new favorite recipes that have made it into my rotation recently:

Lemon Asparagus Couscous Salad with Tomatoes (Skinny Taste)

Sausage and Pepperoni Pizza Stuffed Peppers (Kalyn’s Kitchen)



I’ve been watching YouTube a lot lately, can you tell? LOL Here’s one more video I can’t resist sharing – Jeremy Siskind’s version of “Girl from Ipanema.”


A Tour of Amy’s Kitchen and Pantry

If you’ve been around here for a while, you may already know that in recent years, my husband and I built a new house, including moving my piano studio into the basement and out of commercial space.

My husband did a lot of the work while still working a 40-hour workweek, so the bulk of the build took around three years.

Since cooking is my other mojo, I’ve wanted to share photos of the kitchen and pantry for a good two years, but it kept getting put off.

After finally capturing some good photos for our cabinet builders to display, I had no more excuses. It’s finally time for a tour!



Sharing photos of the empty “before” construction space isn’t much fun considering it was new construction. What is interesting, though, is to see what we went through leading up to completion.

Since our deadline to move out of our rental house was six months before our kitchen cabinets were ready (or the upstairs being complete), we lived in an unfinished basement (my future studio space) with no carpet or kitchen.

Here’s my makeshift kitchen.

Continue reading

Organizing Piano Games and Teaching Resources

Teaching areas can be hard places to organize. Not only do we like to keep items close at hand, but if you teach a variety of levels, the number of teaching resources can easily double.

There are games, scale books, sight-reading materials, pedal extenders, dry-erase boards, game markers, technique tools, highlighters, and much more.

The great thing about organization (like many things in life) is that there’s no right or wrong way.

What we DO need in order to make it happen, though, is:

  1. Intention
  2. Action
  3. Some kind of (consistent) system
  4. Regular upkeep
  5. Ability to recognize when your “system” needs an update/refresh

In this post, I want to share a few different ways I have stored my own teaching games and resources over the years, as well as links to loads of other teachers’ ideas.

As you’re considering a system that works well for your space, keep these things in mind:

  1. Make it easily accessible – Store items in a way that will help you to both use and remember what you have
  2. Categorize – Group your items according to level, concept, game style (such as group games vs. solo games), and more.
  3. Contain – Use a variety of storage formats, including magazine holders, containers, drawers, files, and more.

I hope this post gives you lots of fresh ideas as you freshen up your own teaching space!

For more on that, listen in on episode #19 of The Piano Pantry Podcast – Spring Cleaning: It’s Time.

Continue reading

Friday Finds #243: Best of April


Since Cinco de Mayo is right around the corner, here are some of my favorite Mexican-style dishes:

Game-winning Guac (very classic)
Guacamole Salad (fresh and healthy)
Ground Beef Taco Casserole (good as a dip for chips or as the base for taco salads instead of just seasoned ground beef!)
Skillet Chicken with Mexican Green Rice (super easy and great for feeding a family)
Taco Torte (a fun twist and pretty presentation – but easy!)
Churro Brownies (sooo good)



RCM Piano Syllabus 2022 (6th Edition) – a great rundown from Rebekah Maxner



Spring is in the air: here are some good Spring Cleaning tips from the special Saturday edition of my favorite news podcast.



A fun unboxing video from Janna for her new hydraulic bench!



Looking for a fresh idea for fun little student prizes/incentives?

From Lauren Lewandowski: How I Use Music Money in My Studio
From me: A Simple Incentive Program and Prize Box Items Students Love



Five Statements Your Kids Need to Hear Today (Forward Progress)



Helping students at performance time:

Piano Performance Checklists (Piano Pantry)
Preparing Students to Perform Their Best (podcast w/ Leila Viss & Samantha Coates)



Studio Awards: Policies and Procedures(Piano Pantry)



Yeah, I’m pretty sure I have almost all of these items, so I agree 100%! 🙂


Friday Finds #242



As this first Friday Finds post following the MTNA 2022 conference, here are a few recaps you might enjoy:

Reflections on MTNA 2022  (Janna Williamson)

2022 MTNA Virtual Conference Recap (Joy Morin)

Music Teacher Eats: MTNA 2022 Edition (Amy Chaplin)



After staying at my house (and sleeping in my studio space – ha!) during the MTNA 2022 conference, Janna was inspired to do a tour of her studio!



Teacher Anna Haugen has a website called “Midlife Creative.” She recently did an artist feature post on a woman who makes incredible homemade pizza every Friday night for her family. The kind of pizza she makes is the kind of pizza of I love but don’t take enough effort to make regularly. I’m thinking it’s time for that to change…



Jennifer Foxx hit a tender spot in my heart when she recently shared a new playlist on Spotify she’s been developing called “Feel Good Songs.” Follow her and give it a listen!



Interest in choral singing is not declining in America, so why are church choirs disappearing? (Baptist News Global)



This short 5-minute video taught me some really amazing keyboard shortcuts! Even if you don’t use Evernote, many of these are applicable in other programs.




A great post on using devices for music reading and hands-free page-turning. (Creative Piano Teacher)



Food Prices are Going Up at Levels Americans Haven’t Seen in Decades (NPR)



Over the last few weeks, I have found myself incredibly addicted to a YouTube channel called Honeyjubu. She is a Korean woman who Vlogs about home life and food. I’ll just say there has been some serious binge-watching going on.

In the process, I also discovered a similar one called Hamimommy.

Do you have any favorite Vlog channels you follow on YouTube? Let me know in the comments!



Thanks to Leila Viss for telling me about the “Everything Happens” podcast by Kate Bowler. Recently, I really enjoyed the episode with novelist Ann Patchett.



14 Food Logos With Sneaky Hidden Messages (Taste of Home)

Oh my goodness, you have to take 5 minutes to actually read and process each of these 14 logos. So fun!



For Easter each year, we drive 50 minutes immediately following church to an extended family pitch-in lunch for my husband’s side of the family. Due to having to pack up food prior to church and have it sit for 3 hours in our car before the meal, I always do easy things that can survive without heat or refrigeration (or be OK with a simple ice pack).

This year’s picks:

Scotcheroos (made with Special K cereal)

Dill Pickle Dip with crackers


Preschool Piano Classes

This post is part of a series called Your Questions Answered that highlights questions from readers just like you. If you have a question you would like to submit, you can do so here.


Hi, Amy!

I absolutely LOVED reading your most recent post offering your reflections on what you’ve learned as you celebrate your teaching milestone. So much of it truly spoke to me!

I am gearing up to launch a preschool piano class this fall and was wondering if you’d share with me how you structured your class – number of weeks, length of class, number of students, lesson plan structure, etc.

(I am currently thinking 8-week sessions, 45-minute classes, 3-4 students, ages 4-6.)

I’ve been learning a lot about MLT, audiation, and MMfP, but I feel like I’m stalling the preschool class launch because I am still so new at all of it. I have been teaching using Piano Safari, as well as several other methods for several years now, and recently ordered the new Piano Safari Friends materials. I also have several years of experience teaching the Music Together program (early childhood family music classes). However, I have felt like until I could teach as an MLT “purist,” I should wait.

Your thoughts on combining methods and doing what works for you and your students has encouraged me to consider another way without worrying about doing it “wrong.” I’d love to hear more about your experience with this age group and the bird and bolts of how you structure your classes!

Marissa L.


Hi, Marissa!

Thank you so much for your kind words about the blog post. It is SO NICE to hear directly from people impacted! So thank YOU! 🙂

As far as the preschool piano class goes, your email made me realize that the photo I shared in the blog post was perhaps deceiving! The photo I posted was from a free one-off summer class I did with our local parks department for a few years. I used that photo because I was pulling from a multitude of curriculums with those kiddos.

I have yet to run a full preschool piano class. While I offer the group class, it seems I’ve never had enough students timed just right for it to be a go. I’ve only ended up doing private preschool lessons. Here’s how I advertise my preschool lessons though:

“Lessons are paid for and attended in 8-week sessions. Students come once a week for a private lesson or group class of 2-3 students (depending on availability). Private lessons will be 30 minutes and group classes 40 minutes”

So, whether it was a private lesson or a group class, parents were only committed for a short period.

I think what you’re planning as far as length, time, and students are perfect!

As far as curriculum goes, for the most part, I now pretty well use Music Moves Keyboard Games books 100% for this age. I’ll tell you what I’ve done in the past though (as far as combining resources) that worked well for quite a while:

I didn’t necessarily use all of these at once but did combine many of them at one point.

As far as the Music Moves for Piano series goes, let me say this: just do it – don’t feel like you have to know or understand it all to try using it! Keep pressing on and learning a little more at a time.

The Keyboard Games Books are in my opinion the absolute best piano book for preschoolers out there as the songs are short, encourage exploration all over the piano, and especially support the audition of basic rhythm patterns in duple and triple meters.

It’s worth it!

Good luck and I would love to hear how things pan out!




Music Teacher Eats: MTNA 2022 Edition

This past week was the 2022 Music Teachers National Conference. Since it was virtual, a few teacher friends and I decided to come together so as to not miss out on one of the best aspects – spending time together. Plus, it’s easier to feel more enveloped in the virtual experience when you’re not alone and easily distracted by other life happenings.

How to Make Music Teacher Friends (The Piano Pantry Podcast) – 12 min.

As someone who loves to cook and host, I was quick to volunteer our home as the location. I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to come together with other teacher friends. It’s practically like a spa day as you walk away feeling rejuvenated, refreshed, and newly motivated!

Call me crazy, but since I usually cook for two, I considered cooking for five for multiple meals and days as a fun opportunity. Of course, my teacher friends were happy to oblige. Meet my friends and guests:

Joy Morin – Color in My Piano

Christina Whitlock – Beyond Measure Podcast

Janna Williamson-

In this post, I thought it would be fun to share all the recipes I cooked over the course of the week (at least those that are available online).

For more recommended recipes, visit the first post in this series: Music Teacher Eats: Fall Edition.


Raspberry Orange Almond Muffins with Sprouted Wheat Flour (Amy Chaplin – the chef, not me.)

These muffins are not only healthy but incredibly moist and delicious! Sugar free and egg free, the shocking component is 1.5 WHOLE oranges that are first boiled and then puréed.

Cheesy-Baked Eggs (The Girl Who Ate Everything)

Egg casseroles aren’t usually my thing but this simple baked egg recipe is a winner. Pepper-jack cheese is the star ingredient that adds tons of flavor without actually making it spicy. I’ve tried substituting cheddar cheese and it’s not nearly as good! Definitely go with the pepper jack. Also, the original recipe calls for 16 oz (1 lb!) of shredded cheese but I find that to be too much and 8oz to be a lovely amount.


Honey Mustard Chicken Tender Salad (The Kitchn)

One of my favorite simple salads. The dressing is oil-free, comprised of only Dijon mustard, honey, and apple cider vinegar.

Shanghai-Style Scallion Noodles (177 Milk Street)

(Pictured above). Unfortunately, Milk Street is a subscription website, but I’m sure you could google something similar! The base is noodles, ground pork, and scallions, and the sauce is simply soy sauce and sugar – so simple!

Obsessively Good Avocado Cucumber Salad (Smitten Kitchen)

I served this alongside the Shanghai-Style Noodles, and it really is “obsessively good”. It’s best eaten fresh, so I wouldn’t recommend making it ahead of time, although you could at least mix the dressing ingredients ahead of time and then toss them with the avocado and cucumber right before eating. 


Skillet Chicken with Mexican Green Rice
 (Meaningful Eats)

A one-dish recipe full of good southwest flavor. I would suggest serving it with sour cream and taco chips on the side. We also had a very simple shredded cabbage salad with a chili-powder-based dressing 

Milk-Can Supper (Cook’s Country)

The title alludes to the fact that the dish was inspired by the old practice on dairy farms, repurposing old large milk cans for travel and camping meal preparation. All the ingredients are essentially steamed in the pot flavored by beer, bay leaf, thyme, and S&P. Don’t be tempted to double, as the recipe amount is about all you can get in a 6-7 quart Dutch oven!

Slow-Roasted Salmon with Dill and Garlic (Cook’s Country)

An excellent and hands-free preparation that will feed 5-6 people. This recipe pairs really nicely with the slow-roasted sweet potatoes linked below.

Slow-Roasted Sweet Potatoes (Smitten Kitchen)

Chicken and Sugar Snap Pea Stir Fry (Williams Sonoma)

My absolute favorite stir-fry. The only downside is sugar snap peas can be a little bit of a pain as they’re best if you remove the stringy portion (check out this post). Serve with rice or quinoa.


A one-dish recipe full of good southwest flavor. I would suggest serving it with sour cream and taco chips on the side. We also had a very simple shredded cabbage salad with a chili-powder-based dressing. 

Friday Finds #241: Best of March



Curious about the Boom Card “boom”? LOL Check out Melody Payne’s tutorial on using boom cards in online lessons.



Language Matters: What Languages Learners Need to Know About Ukrainian (Duolingo Blog)



Coffee Drinks from Around the World (Williams Sonoma)



Canva is such an amazing resource and one that I have come to use almost daily. Even when I think I know a program well, I find myself always learning something new from Katie Wardrobe at Midnight Music. Check out the podcast episode #134:10+ Canva features you probably didn’t know about.



Music Notation Software Recommendations for Teachers and Students (Color in my Piano)



“The Pianist” Movie – A True Story (Piano Street)



Recent recipe finds worth a try:

Baked Chicken Taquitos ( – My brother made this and even his (super picky) kids loved them, as did we!

Cuban Beef Picadilla (The Kitchn) – A fairly simple dish that can be served with rice or cauliflower rice on the side.



The Best Music Quotes for Piano Teachers (Creative Piano Teacher)



I just find this soooo touching and yes, it totally made me cry at the end!



An excellent article from Jane MacGrath on progressing students through what she calls “black hole literature.” An excellent pairing to this article is another article and free download from Janna Williamson on how to evaluate repertoire difficulty.



WordPress vs. Squarespace (Janna Carlson | Studio Rocket Web Design)



We’re all a little picky on the way we teach chords and scales. Maybe this new complete scales and complete chords book will be one that works well for you!


Webinar Appearance with Duet

Just a quick note here to let you know that I will be presenting a webinar, Connect and Engage: Online Professional Development Resources for the Independent Music Teacher on Wednesday, April 6th @ 10 am PT/1 pm ET.

This is a free webinar sponsored by Duet Partner.

Register here:…/tJwsc-yurD0uGtaAVX7pA9gWT7l4rygudbLe

In this webinar, we will explore the wealth of both professional development and teaching resources available to teachers as well as best practices for utilizing information without getting overwhelmed. Whether you’re a new or seasoned teacher, this will give you a wonderful snapshot into all that’s at your fingertips.