Friday Finds #4



I love Lauren’s new rhythm worksheet just posted for teaching 6/8 and 3/4 time signatures.



Elizabeth Gutierrez is doing a Periscope series beginning April 16 on Donald Waman’s “Piano Pageants” book. I purchased it awhile back after Joy Morin wrote about it in her awesome “Un-Method Books for Piano Students” post but I have yet to pull it out. I look forward to Elizabeth’s insights and hope it may entice me to use it!



Here’s a great storage idea from Sheryl at Notable Music Studio for storing games.



Spice dinnertime prep and your Spotify playlist with go-to pieces from line-chefs across the country. You never know what you may find!



Marie Lee has written a smashing report on Time for Three’s appearance at MTNA. These guys have developed some big fans!


While we’re still on the Time for Three kick, how appropriate that Hugh Sung just did a great interview with them. It’s like this was all meant to be!



The perfect recipe for out-of-season strawberries in your fridge. Yes, beautiful juicy strawberries would be ideal of course but when it’s not an option…roasting makes anything good! Use these to top oatmeal, pancakes, plain or vanilla yogurt, or ice cream!



Apparently there is a trend in flavored beer that’s quickly growing with millennials. Hmm…I’m too much of a purist. Keep it simple people. That goes for coffee too. Double Chocolate Caramel Marshmallow Latte, seriously? Can we have a little coffee with our sugar? I’ll take a simple  Caffè Latte or Caffè Americano.



I just found out from a post by Seth Godin that Elizabeth Gilbert has a new book Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear. The reviews tell me it’s a great book for creativity in life – sounds like a book for piano teachers! I thoroughly enjoyed her first book Eat, Pray, Love and look forward to this one as well!


  • Hi Amy! Thanks for the mention about my Piano Play-Along Periscope tomorrow. It will be around 12 Noon Central. Really looking forward to it! And I love your Friday Finds feature – some great tips and features!

    • Hi Elizabeth, Yes, it sounds like a great Periscope. Unfortunately, I just realized I will be at an anniversary lunch for my parents at that time but I hope to catch a video after on your website!

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