The final day has arrived for the one-year anniversary celebration of Piano Pantry!
Thank you to everyone who entered Monday’s (day 4) giveaway! Congratulations to Elizabeth Poore (who has been notified via email), winner of a one-year subscription (Plus) for the Sproutbeat app! Thanks to all who entered.
Unlike the rest of the 24-hour giveaways, I’ve decided to extend the deadline for today’s giveaway to three days. It will close at 12:00 am on Friday, March 17.
Why you ask?
Today’s sponsor is the Music Teachers National Association. Thanks to their generosity, they agreed to sponsor the price of a National membership for a new member (someone who has never been a member). I want to allow plenty of time to get the word out! *(To further clarify, the award is the national-level portion, not state or local.)
Day 5 | National Membership for MTNA (New Member-worth up to $75)
Since the giveaways have only been items that I currently use and love, to me, membership to MTNA was the ultimate gift I could give a fellow teacher.
Professional organizations have been a part of my career as early in my college education as I can remember. As a former public school teacher, I was a member of Music Educators National Association (MENC) for years.
When I made the career switch to an independent music teacher, the moment I found out there was an organization for independent music educators, I was in – no second-guessing. Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) is now my professional association. Eight years later, I’ve never looked back.
It’s not only an organization that has given me professional opportunities and education but has also connected me with professionals like myself all over my state and country. Many of those connections have developed into a treasure trove of colleagues who challenge, encourage, and inspire me to be the best I can be as a professional.
I’ve shared thoughts on being a member of an organization in a few posts here on Piano Pantry.
:: Conference “Management” 101
:: MTNA Elections 2017
:: MTNA Grant
Heck, even one of the studio awards I give out every year is available through MTNA.
What’s all the hype?
Yes, MTNA is about things like this:

But it’s really about this…

and this…

and this…

and this…

and this…

and this…

I love my colleagues *sigh* …
…oh wait, that’s YOU, my Piano Pantry readers. So, I leave you now in this final giveaway with a humble and heartfelt thanks for allowing me into your life word by word, post by post, comment by comment. May you, your family, and your students find blessings in the small things in life.
Thank you. You are special.
This 72-hour giveaway starts at 12:00 a.m. EST on 3/14/2017 and ends at 12:00 a.m. EST on 3/17/2017.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Update: 3/17/2017 – This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to Lori Bolt, who was selected by Rafflecopter’s random generator and the Day 5 giveaway winner! (Lori has been notified via email.)
Are you a current member of MTNA? Do you know someone who has never been a member who would benefit from it? Will you help me bring awareness to our profession by sharing this post and what MTNA means to you with someone who would qualify to win?
I have never been a member of MTNA. I would be thankful for the opportunity to connect with other teachers 🙂
I have been a member of MTNA in the past, and I enjoyed the fellowship with local teachers that it brought, the magazine, and that time the annual conference was here in Albuquerque!
I have never been to the MTNA conference and would love to go!
MTNA is a great source for us teachers, from legal to management and insurance!
Would love to gain knowledge from other piano teachers, enter me please! 🙂
I keep hearing about it and would like to learn more. What better way than first-hand? I try to continue learning through NCKP and blogs of other like-minded educators. This would fit in with what I try to do to remain the best teacher I can offer to my students.
I’ve never been a member of the MTNA. However, I think it would be a treasure chest just waiting to be opened filled with precious ideas and info.
I enjoyed to be a member of MTNA, and it has been a pleasure to meet other piano teachers, to learn from them, to share the same problems.
Amy, This is a great gift. I am a member of MTNA and I know how wonderful it is!
Yes! Great gift. Thank you for sharing, Amy!
This would be so wonderful!
I would love to win! I have a goal of growing my studio size and MTNA would be a great resource, I think. I have never been a member. Thank you for this opportunity!!
Wow! What a great opportunity! Would love to be a part of this wonderful organization!
I am a member of MTNA and would love to have a paid membership for this next year. I love being part of this organization for music teachers.
I love being a member of MTNA! And I’m hoping to attend a next year’s conference 🙂
I recently moved to Florida from Czech Republic. I’ve been teaching for more than 10 years, but here in US I feel like I am starting from the beginning. I need to learn the new teaching methods and combine it with everything I know. Becoming a member of MTNA will inspire me and give me courage to not give up.