I’m sorry but I just HAVE to lead this week’s finds with this because I’m SOOO excited I finally finished the project! 🙂
A shop is now finally open here on Piano Pantry! If you haven’t already, jump over and have a look at all the Music Lab materials that are posted. There’s lots of good stuff!
Can you hear me smiling?
Everyone’s been going a little crazy over this article on Facebook and for good reason…
Teaching is Relentless; Be Extra
A topic that we don’t always think to talk about in our industry but that is so important: Being a Professional – Safeguarding & Child Protection.
These are looking pretty yummy although I’ll admit I haven’t made them yet so I can’t give my full blessing…
Easy 5-ingredient Protein Bars (Peanut Butter Chocolate!)
Great takeaway, Seth Godin – The anatomy of annoying.Â
Susan Paradis has a creative activity for beginners learning keyboard topography – a keyboard puzzle!
A thorough review of evenly-leveled piano duets by Nicola Canton.
Congratulations on the store, Amy!
P.S. Loved the Teaching is Relentless article! It’s true that we need to focus on what we love about teaching. Plus, I’m going to like any article that encourages me to continue gushing about things in the studio to my families.
Thanks so much, Rosemarie! Yes, articles like that I always save in Evernote and they get tagged as “thought-provoking” LOL.