On my 12-hour drive to the MTNA conference, I take a moment to check my email. I see an email from “MTNA Foundation Fund.”
“Oh my, this is it!” I think…” Did I get it?”
The preview subject: “Dear Amy, The Teacher Enrichment Grant Committee has…”
Ah! The suspense. They’re going to make me OPEN the email to find out?!…

APPROVED! Yahoo!! Suspense over – the end.
I will use the grant to attend my first GIML Conference, put on by the Gordon Institute for Music Learning. This is the perfect opportunity for me to continue my efforts in learning and applying Music Learning Theory following my first grant project, which was a two-week training in Boston last August in MLT and Music Moves for Piano.
The timing is also perfect, as I will already be in Chicago attending the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy (NCKP) July 26-29. After a two-day break to explore Chicago, I will attend the GIML Conference on August 1 – 3. It’s the perfect use of a trip—two goodies in one!
It took five years after joining MTNA for me to realize that I could actually apply for a grant to help me with my continuing education efforts. If you’ve never had the opportunity to do so, consider applying for the next round. Applications are always due on the first of January.
I would say this is worth the price of MTNA membership in itself! For more information on becoming a member, visit mtna.org.
Find details on the teacher enrichment grant here.