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what teachers are saying
I like Fridays — your email pops in my inbox and sparks such great curiosity for me! Thank you!   -K. Palsky
I get so many fresh ideas. I can’t wait to read everything.   -Doris Kirke
 A little about me
I’m a piano teacher from small-town Indiana with a passion for teaching and organizing. In my free time, I enjoy cooking, reading, hiking, camping, and traveling.
I love sharing with my teaching community through the blog and podcast on topics including but not limited to living the independent music teacher life, studio organization, marketing, tools, resources, and more.
If you want to get to know me a little more, you can get more fun facts and read my formal bio here.
I would love to hear from you! Drop me an email and let me know a little about yourself, or connect with me or connect with me on social!
My favorite place to be online is Instagram, but I’m also on Facebook. Feel free to connect and give me a shout-out, or hit reply and let me know a little about yourself.
If you’re new to Piano Pantry, here are a few popular resources you may find useful:
Assignment Sheet Central
Your one-stop assignment shop. Assignment sheets for all types of students and styles.
In this 3-part video series, learn how to use the full power of Evernote as an independent music teacher to keep yourself organized.
Friday Finds
This weekly series is a fun end-of-week list where I share 7-10 items that I think you will find interesting from all over the web.
Music Labs
Shop a variety of lab-assignment sheets to help you create a custom music-lab-time experience for each student.
Online Teaching
A compilation of posts from Piano Pantry to help you with your online teaching and business. Hang in there!
A compilation of my favorite tools and resources as a piano teacher, including apps, hardware, products, tools, and more.
Feel free to drop me a message and say hello! I would love to hear a little about yourself, your studio, and what kinds of things are helpful to you as a teacher!