Did you know Amazon has a device trade-in program? I almost did it with my Kindle, but it was too old! Ha! It’s definitely worth looking into, though!
Quick and Easy Piano Teaching Tips for Elementary Technique – a great compilation by Davis Dorrough of Creative Piano Teacher!
New: Faber’s Adult Piano Adventures Disney Book 1!
Movie recommendation: The Woman King (Netflix)
Wow! Viola Davis and so many others are incredible in this movie! Not only does it bring to light the history of this group of women warriors, but I love seeing how community, in general, used to be such a big part of how people lived and had their being.
The Pros and Cons of Using AI Writing Tools in Your Business | Ashley Danyew (Musician & Co.)
New Technology for Music Teachers | Davis Dorrough Creative Piano Teachers)
The Humble Brilliance of Italy’s Moka Coffee Pot

I’ve wanted one of these cute little coffee makers (pictured left) for years and finally got one this past Christmas.
I love using it with an instant milk frother (pictured right) to make my special weekend lattes. It’s cheaper and more fun than a big fancy espresso machine!
Bonus: Check out this YouTube video for great tips on making an even better cup of coffee in the Moka Pot.
Difficult Piano Parent Situations: What piano teachers can learn from flight attendants | Rebekah Maxner
2023-2024 Studio Planner from Natalie Weber at Music Matters Blog
Five individual podcast episodes I thoroughly enjoyed.
The Fight over Phonics | The New York Times
The Re-Militarization of Germany | The New York Times
Exit Music (for a church) | The Bulletin
Remembering Tim Keller | The Bulletin
Mental Health: The Power of Grandmothers and Community | A Slight Change of Plans
Great list, thank you!