This morning I tackled one of those tasks that for years I’ve known needed to be done but it was never urgent nor really important.
Yeah, you know the kind of task I’m talking about. Stephen Covey would say that type of task should be forgotten because it’s not important or urgent, but it got out of control so it finally became important.
I cleaned up my contacts!
Google is my thing. I love Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos. I started using Google Contacts a little a few years ago, mostly to create a studio email list but was hesitant to take the time to mess moving entirely to it which would include merging iCloud contacts, yadda, yadda, yadda. I just didn’t want to think about it even though I was probably making it harder in my mind than it was.
The clean-up included:
- Importing all my iCloud contacts into Google Contacts.
- Deleting those contacts out of iCloud and making sure I had “contacts” turned off in my iCloud and turned on through my Google account on my phone.
- Letting Google Contacts help me go through the automated process of merging any duplicate contacts.
- Deleting old contacts such as students from 12 years ago when I taught in another location, people who have passed away, and even some contacts I couldn’t even remember who they were…Eek!
There were 1,150 contacts when I started and 450 when I finished. That’s a 60% reduction! Wow. I feel lighter.
Our oven will be baking Sheet Pan Gnocchi with Sausage and Peppers (Sheela Prakash | The Kitchn) for dinner tonight. It sounds like a quick, easy, and tasty meal. Fingers crossed!
If you live within a couple of hour drive of Indianapolis, Irina Gorin is giving a free workshop on March 17th, 2020 from 10am-2:30 pm with a short lunch break (bring it yourself) at Piano Solutions.
Whatever side you lean toward, I found this article interesting: Why Can’t Moderates Win the White House? (Ibram X. Kendi | The Atlantic)
Gif or Jif? They’re finally helping us out! Jiff Peanut Butter Teamed Up with Giphy to FINALLY Settle How You Pronounce GIF (Maybe?) (Isadora Baum | The Kitchn)
This is a fun post idea! 5 Changes for a More Eco-Friendly Teaching Studio (Nicola Cantan | Colourful Keys)
Two VERY short and I mean VERY short but pithy posts from Seth Godin.
Cut off the tops of your rubber kitchen gloves before throwing them away and use them for jar openers! It works! (Ashley Abramson | The Kitchn)
Of Mice and Magic: In Praise of Animal Stories (Maria Bonvissuto | The Rabbit Room)
High School Puts on “Adulting Day” For Students, Teaches Them How to Pay Bills, Change Tires, Cook (Rob Fox | Rare)