This past week was one of those weeks where I finally had a chance to work on a bunch of projects that always get cast aside due to the busyness of life. My husband has been gone since Sunday on a work-related training and I’m playing it solo.
Amongst my to-do list was updating my student photo board – a project I would normally like to have done by the first of September…
Despite the fact that my amateur photography skills had a hard time catching a good photo without reflections, I’m thrilled with how it looks this year.
Stay tuned for a “how-to” post in the next few weeks!
Catching up on Seth Godin’s Akimbo podcast recently, there were two, in particular, I found fascinating. One is somewhat music related and one not.
Anthems, Pledges, and Change: Where does change come from?
The Deletionists: Who decides what we know?
Throat Coat is
one of the best teas to have on hand for the winter months when colds and sore throats are prevalent.
It will become your new best friend, especially if you’re a voice teacher. We even keep it on hand on our breakfast food cart for the music worship team at church.
Speaking of being sick…we all know chicken soup has been dubbed the best thing to eat when you’re sick, but I have a problem with that. What if you don’t like chicken noodle soup?!
In all my 38 years I have never found chicken noodle soup recipe I really like – until now (and I am so relieved!). I mean, who doesn’t like chicken noodle soup?!
The best thing about this recipe is that it is chock full of other good nutrient-rich ingredients for when you’re feeling under the weather. Perfect. Here it is!
The Best Chicken Soup You’ll Ever Eat from The Ambitious Kitchen.
Besides the goodies like ginger, turmeric, garlic, rosemary, and thyme, it uses pearled couscous instead of noodles! Love it.
My most advanced student just choose her Christmas book this week and we were both mesmerized. It was the first time I had discovered and used Kevin Olson’s Advanced Jazzed Up Christmas. If she wasn’t going to play from it this season, I was!
It was a strong contender with Phillip Keveren’s Jingle Jazz
which just became MY new Christmas book to play from for this season!
If you’re still on the search for Christmas repertoire, definitely check out Leila’s new arrangement of O Come, O Come, Emmanual which she has woven with “Pavane” by Faure´.
There are a couple of professional opportunities and deadlines approaching if you’re interested:
Apply for MTNA Studio Teacher Fellowship – Deadline November 1. The winner gets a $3,000 cash award! I wish I had known about this award in my early years of opening my studio…
Proposals for the 2019 National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy are also due November 1.