Assignment Sheet #23 is here and it features practice tips and techniques! The assignment sheet bundle here on Piano Pantry continues to grow little by little.
The last time I shared a new assignment sheet was not long after the pandemic. It was a Star Wars-themed sheet. Check it out here.
After the closure of Tonara, switching practice apps greatly affected many of my students’ usage. I’m fine with not having all my students use the practice app, but a couple of students actually requested getting a written practice sheet again. (BTW If you’re interested, I moved to Vivid Practice.)
As of now, I don’t mind some students using the app and some using a written page. I do still struggle a bit taking the time to fill them out since it’s not something I do at every lesson.
The newest practice sheet features a practice schedule and practice technique tips to aid students in creating a varied practice routine. I find it works well for students ages 10 and up.

Download This Practice Tips Assignment Sheet
You can access this free assignment sheet as part of the growing assignment sheet bundle.