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I have searched the internet for decades, always looking for sacred piano arrangements that are very very advanced level. I play all of Rudy Atwood’s and Harold DeCou’s piano arrangement solos, and have wanted new material.
The problem is that no matter what piano book or piano sheet music I look at on the internet, all of them are too easy, and bore me, since they are not a challenge to me at all. I am looking for titles of piano arrangement books of sacred music, whether classical or jazz style.
Do you know the names of some advanced enough music books, or the names of some Christian piano arrangers who still have this kind of music in print to where I could order it?
I hold concerts at times, and find that it’s hard to find new music that is advanced as I am looking for. It almost seems to me so far, that it was more in the 50’s-70’s when this type of music was published.
Nowdays the big name seems to be for instance, “Hal Leonard”, etc, and their music is way too easy for me. I love the hard stuff, where it takes me time to work it out, instead of material that I can play right on the spot with no challenge to it.
If you have any ideas of where I could find (for sure) material this advanced, would you please let me know? Please don’t send me to all these many many sites I have looked under for hours and hours, never to find.
Also, I am the type where I need to be able to view a sample of the music, so I know what I’m ordering, to make sure it’s not too easy, and a lot of them do not show samples.
If you have any ideas, would you please email me back? Thank you. I know I’m asking a lot.
-Sincerely Yours, M
Hi, M,
I do have some suggestions and am happy to help!
The first group is books that I have played over the years and enjoyed. Phillip Keveren and Mark Hayes have always been my go-to but I would say Mark Hayes verges on having more advanced arrangments that you are likely looking for.
I agree with you that it can be really frustrating to be looking for music and not be able to preview it – especially when we’re in 2020! To help you out, I did a little searching for each book I’ll list here and I will link to it ONLY if the location has a preview available. 🙂
I find JW Pepper and Alfred both do pretty good in some instances with offering previews. Sheet Music Plus sometimes as well, but not always.
- Worship with a Touch of Jazz by Phillip Keveren (jazzy arrangements of more contemporary – but still older – worship songs)
- Well-Tempered Jazz by Mark Hayes (wonderful jazzy arrangements of older hymns and gospel songs)
- Well-Tempered Praise III by Mark Hayes (Simple Gifts / I Need Thee Every Hour, etc.)
- Praise Classics by Mark Hayes (older choruses like Bind Us Together, As the Deer, etc.)
- Open My Heart to Worship by Mark Hayes (more contemporary – but still older – worship songs like Above All and Open the Eyes of My Heart)
The three books linked above are to JW Pepper’s website, but the last two books by Mark Hayes are also available for preview on Alfred’s website. It appears there is another book he has as well called “Gospel Classics” that also has a preview available on Alfred’s website.
This next group of books are ones that I’m familiar with but have not played from a lot myself. I think you may find these even closer to what you’re looking for here as they’re quite virtuosic!
Great post, Amy! As a church pianist, this topic is near to my heart.
A couple ideas –
The publisher Soundforth has many advanced sacred piano books. A quick Google search shows that the books are sold on sheetmusicplus, where you can see samples before purchasing.
I found a new (to me) artist named Youngmin You recently on Musicnotes. His arrangements are (mostly, not all) advanced and include many current worship songs. I have especially enjoyed his arrangement of Reckless Love.
Another excellent book is “Advanced Artistry for the Church Pianist” by Stephen Walley. It may be out of print currently – it is published by Hope Publishing Company. This book contains some very complex and beautiful sacred arrangements.
Wow, Jill, THANK YOU these are fabulous suggestions! I will pass your comments directly onto the reader who asked this question and am so glad your comment will now benefit others who read the post!
Another brilliant arranger I JUST found is Carlton Forrester. Finally some fresh harmonies to hymns-quite intriguing and sits in the fginers well
Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I’ll have to check him out!
I would be willing to share my hymn arrangements that are for advanced pianists.
I’m not wanting to butt in here but I would love to hear about your arrangements!
Check out some publishers of religious materials. The following publishers have quality piano arrangements at many levels: Northwestern Publishing House, Concordia Publishing, Augsburg Publishing, Morningstar, and Floeter Music.
I have 5 books of difficult hymn arr that I would be willing to part with. I have enjoyed these but will probably not get anymore use out of them Here is my list:
Advanced Artistry for the Church Pianity by Stephen Walley (really hard, long)
classic gospel by Larry Dalton classic/romantic style)
Rejoice Greatly by Marilynn Ham (jChristmas, quite difficult and interesting)
Dino: Great is the Lord
Dino: Piano Praise
I would possibly interested in taking Rejoice Greatly! by Marilynn Ham off of your hands. How much would you want for it? You can email me details at [email protected], if you wish. Huge Marilynn Ham fan.
I’m interested in Classic Gospel by Larry Dalton. That sounds fun. Thank you! Please email me at [email protected]
Do you have any of these books left? I have several of Dins books. I have Marilyn’s but not that one. Any others let me know.
[email protected]
Vicky 608-931-7733. This is 2023
Are you still wanting to get rid of these? I would interested in purchasing them.
i would love to have Advanced Artistry for the Church Pianist. How much are you asking for it. i know that its out of print.
Thanks so much
Nancy at nancyrevzen4679@gmail
Hi everybody, I hope I have come to the right place… Recently I came across rudy atwood’s piano and organ arrangement for the song “Leaning on the everlasting arms”… I love it and desperately want to learn how to play it myself but could not find the sheet music anywhere. Maybe I am too stupid to find it but so far no success… If you could help me I would appreciate it soo much!! Thank you and be blessed everybody…!
I had a quick look but with no luck. It’s likely out of print.
I read all comments related to advanced sacred piano. I have almost of the ones mentioned and so many more about 50 books but i stay frustrated to find more advanced arrangements Marilynn Ham and Mark Hayes are my favorites. If anyone knows where to find more sites. I mostly use sheetmusicplus. I have one treasured book by Dino. I am church pianist
I agree with an above commenter who recommended Youngmin You. I performed one at our church – not sure if the link will work, but here is a reel I shared of the performance. https://www.facebook.com/reel/720171096577927/?s=fb_shorts_tab&stack_idx=0
Thanks for sharing that, Tammy!
I publish a couple of hymn arrangement collections by Dean Kincaid for advanced piano players. You may view and hear samples here:
You might also look at Joseph Martin: Songs Of The Journey: Piano Solos; American Tapestry Piano Collection; Celtic Tapestry: Piano Collection; A Christmas Tapestry. Each book has several church-worthy selections, and some of them are quite difficult. Also, very nice sounding arrangements.